Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

By Donna Westfall – January 31, 2023

The 1% sales tax known as Measure S has applications available to apply for their Citizen’s Oversight Committee. This would be for a two year term.

Keep in mind that this sales tax passed initially with over 60% of the vote. Even with a repeal on the November 2022 ballot, it continued to get enough votes (76.73%) to keep it in place. Some felt the language in the sample ballot was misleading. Plus to repeal was a YES vote and to retain the sales tax was a NO vote on renamed Measure T, not S. Confused? Sure.

511 people voted to keep it in place vs 155 who wanted it repealed. This is about one third of the registered voters in the City whose votes were counted.

Another repeal attempt may go on the November 2024 ballot because during a Presidential election more people traditionally turn out to vote.

It makes a lot of sense to have people on the committee that are opposed to the sales tax so as to keep balance and act as the brakes when necessary. We’ve seen from the $25 million School Bond Citizens Oversight Committee Board that things got completely out of control.

Applications can be picked up from Robin Altman, City Clerk/Administrative Analyst at City Hall located at 377 J St., Crescent City. Their hours are 7:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Thursday. Their telephone number is 707 464 7483.

But if you’re intent on getting on the committee, don’t hesitate to apply because Monday night, January 30, they voted in one more board member. I got the distinct impression that the newest member of the Oversight Committee may be content to rely on department heads information leading to Measure S spending. That’s never good.

Now only two positions are open.

During public comment, Randal South brought up the 25% poverty rate in this area and read information about Federal money and tapping those resources before encumbering the residents with sales tax. Councilwoman Schellong countered with 60% of the sales tax money comes from tourists and visitors. I don’t know how she came up with that figure. She also mentioned she and others knocked on every door and spoke with residents about Measure S before the election. Nobody came to my door. Did they come to yours?

During one of my public comments I stated that I still cannot find out how many businesses have closed in our town in the last three years. But besides the prison, there’s now talk about CVS and Walgreens closing.

What’s going to happen when more and more people are out of work and there’s no new industry to employ them? Will government welfare supplant jobs? That’s never good. I mentioned that Measure S funds used to hire more government workers with better pay and benefits than most in our community is creating a two tier society.

Folks, Measure S has no ending date. This government expects and hopes the money will continue year in and year out. With inflation causing food prices to rise, in addition to shortages as well as rising costs of virtually everything else families, seniors and Vets are going to have to tighten their belts like it or not creating more homeless or people moving out of the area.

When that happens, having three new fire chiefs is not going to warm the cockles of anyone’s heart.

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