Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

By Donna Westfall

Bill #1

Bill #4

10 beautiful planter boxes suffering with neglected plants for far too long. Thanks to Bill Cozzi for planting the California Coastal Palms in the planter boxes on the north end of the Crescent City Harbor looking out to Battery Point Lighthouse.

Says Supervisor 1st District, Roger Gitlin, “I am very pleased to offer support/ donation for the planting of California Coastal Palm trees. Big improvement! Lots of little drops make a storm of community beautification. Take a Bite Out of Blight at no cost to the taxpayer.”

Take A Bite Out of Blight Volunteer, Bill Cozzi
Take A Bite Out of Blight Volunteer, Bill Cozzi
3 thoughts on “Harbor Beautification – Zero Cost to Taxpayers”
  1. If we had more people like Mr. Cozzi our town would be a nice place to live. Not like most people in this town or City (City fathers) that all they can see is where is the money for me in all of this, or how much money is this going to make me. My hat is off to Mr. Gitlin for bringing this story out and to Mr. Cozzi for doing the job. I say Maietta you need to stay in Fresno. Supervisor 1st District, Roger Gitlin you are doing a great job, keep up the good work we need more Supervisors like you and thank you.

  2. anything is an improvement from what it was…kudos for Bill Cozzi, and actually more than kudos, this guy used his own back for labor and hard work, to make our harbor look gorgeous…thank you to Bill

  3. California Coastal Palm Trees in Crescent City, CA? Are you kidding? There is a certain charm about Crescent City that will be tainted with non-native Palm trees.

    Sorry Mr. Gitlin, this is one area where i disagree with you. I now live in Fresno, California and the Palm trees are literally everywhere. Also, these things have a nasty habit of appearing everywhere in a relatively short amount of time, in random spots and are hard to dig up even when they are small, when other mature palms are around. I know, because i was pulling dozens of them from my lawn recently.

    Northern California, specifically along the California Coastline, has a very special quality that isn’t found anywhere else in the world. It’s the combination of the color of sand, the color of the waters, the types of plants and trees and especially the redwoods. Why taint this with Palm trees?

    Also, the boxes are ripe for opportunities graffiti if made of wood, degradation over time, which will eventually cost the tax payers money to repair or replace.

    Palm Trees blight lighthouse, harbor, and park and the natural beauty of Crescent City. Let’s not continue down this path please!

    I’m already saddened by the loss of those trees along Front Street and the loss of Tsunami Landing.

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