Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

By Donna Westfall – September 1, 2016 – Recently I sent an email to our new City Manager, David Vandermark, requesting permission to hold a meeting of the local Taxpayers Association in the conference room of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) inviting candidates for City Council, Supervisor’s and incumbents and the City Manager, to a forum regarding questionable business practices of the city including suspected corruption on the WWTP.

New City Manager, David Van Dermark responded:

“ The policy on the Conference Room at the WWTP is that it can only be reserved by City Employees for city business.” 

Upon hearing this, one local attorney responded by saying, “That’s appalling!”

Other members of the public said some things not fit to print because they think that their sewer rates are paying for the State Revolving Fund loan and feel they have the right to utilize the conference room.

Reliable sources have said that former Public Works Director, Jim Barnts, used the conference room often for his private businesses.

At any rate, meetings will be announced as soon as a suitable room is obtained for the future.




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