Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

By Jill Jennings-McElheney – October 18, 2016 –

Dear Dr. Frieden (CDC):

The CDC/ATSDR was investigated by Congress in the Spring of 2009 as a result of a broader investigation into the formaldehyde exposure of displaced hurricane victims living in travel trailers.

This Congressional investigation went on to find severe misconduct by ATSDR that downplayed environmental hazards and left communities in harm’s way.  Congress uncovered an alarming appeasement to industry in this hearing.  My young son’s water poisoning while living in an environmental justice community in Georgia (just an hour from the CDC) was highlighted.  Suffering communities from all over the country that CDC/ATSDR failed were brought to light.

I went on from this hearing to uncover some very damaging FOIA documents which showed GA State Chemical Hazards Division making false statements to CDC as well as CDC and EPA senior level officials downplaying my son’s exposures by data manipulation.

Therefore, it is disturbing today to read these headlines that the problems have increased.

This has been the case with water fluoridation as well at the CDC.   This antiquated and dangerous practice has been peddled by third party profiteers politically influencing the federal agencies.

I ask again today that CDC/ATSDR reconvene the federal panel with EPA, HHS, NIEHS/NTP and FDA to call for an ethical end to intentional fluoride exposure in dwindling drinking water supplies.

Fluoride pollution infused into municipal drinking water is a neurotoxin, endocrine disruptor, and carcinogen.   It is responsible for disproportionate negative health impacts of minorities and disadvantaged population.  Iatrogenic effects and disparate impacts have been ignored.   Fluoridation is now an infrastructural national security issue with potential catastrophic results from natural disasters and terror attacks.

As a water poisoned victim and a recent hurricane evacuee, I ask also that you and Dr. Weno do the right thing for the public health of America, and stop catering to the dental industry.  We now know that fluoridated water is a liability harming across the human life span.

Please let me know if I can assist in reconvening the federal panel to call for an ethical end to water fluoridation.

Thank you,

Jill Jennings McElheney
Water Poisoned Victim

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