Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

Roger Gitlin – February 9, 2017 –
In an effort to keep the public informed on egress and ingress through all the construction going on Cooper Ave and Cemetary Hill, there is good to report and some not so great news to report.

City Public Works Director Eric Wier announced at Monday ‘s City Council meeting, February 6th, repairs are ahead of schedule to have this vital road open to through traffic. I met with Eric this morning and he tells me all the new pipe has been laid and connected underneath Cooper. The recent heavy rains prevent Public Works from laying the sidewalks and sealing the asphalt. When the rains stop for a few days allowing the area to sufficiently dry, the work can be completed.

Pray for a few days of dry weather, forecast for the week-end and early next week. If you don’t believe in God, pray anyway. It can’t hurt.

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