Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

Credit to NO Forced Fluoride in Hinchinbrook Facebook page – March 27, 2017 – Australia – A local activist said it “Was a very tough fight !!!!!!!!! Took about 4 years to get here . Small Council – only about 12,000 residents – biggest town is Ingham – 5 F plants- about an hour’s drive north of Townsville – 7 Councillors – split 4 to 3 to end fluoridation.”

YES! No more fluoride is to be added to Hinchinbrook’s water supply. The council voted today 4-3 to discontinue adding this poison to our districts drinking water. What I can’t understand is why 3 councillors voted to keep it when the 3 surveys conducted in our district regarding this issue showed that the majority of people in our district have said they didn’t want it. And thank you to the 4 councillors who had the conviction and the interest of the people of this district to stand up and say, no, get rid of it. Anyway, IT’S GONE!!!! (Or it will be in a relatively short period of time.

Twenty- nine Queensland Councils have now rejected fluoridation since mandatory fluoridation was overturned.


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