Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

By Donna Westfall- November 22, 2017 – After posting the article yesterday titled, “No Response from Point of Honor Vet Memorial Monument Committee asking for the public’s input, new information has surfaced.

In response to the question as to WHY digging has been started in the rainy season, one member of the public who wishes to remain anonymous stated that permits from the California Coastal Commission would expire unless “work has started.” If the permits expired, then new fees would have to be paid again.

However, according to Architect Charles Slert, “The one thing I would note is the “no digging during the ‘wet season’ is not an arbitrary notion, it is specifically spelled out in the Coastal Staff Report ‘Special Conditions’ in the first 10 or so pages.”

While this seems to answer the question about the recent “digging.” it doesn’t answer the questions about the new design, the new price tag or whether or not the “COMMITTEE” got new permits or paid new fees.

Apparently, Acting City Manager for Crescent City, Mike Young, may know more about the process and possess information. An email has been sent to Mr. Young asking for answers with a November 27th, 5 pm deadline.






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