Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Clean Water Oregon – July 20, 2019

State fails to meet goal for mandated water fluoridation

Dr. Bruce Austin, Oregon dental officer (our ‘fluoridation czar’), set a goal of achieving 80% of the state being fluoridated by 2019. His progress? None. Thankfully, Oregon remains a leader in providing clean drinking water, having one of the lowest rates of mandated fluoridation in the country.

Clean Water Oregon is pleased to report the Oregon legislature has taken no action toward mandatory water fluoridation. The 2019 session closed on June 30 without a bill to fluoridate. Another victory for our side!

A leading advocate for mandating water fluoridation, Rep. Mitch Greenlick, was asked in a meeting of the Oregon Oral Health Coalition why the legislature didn’t act to fluoridate Oregon and he gruffly responded, “Because we don’t have the votes!”

Fluoridation mandate advocates were stunned when their best efforts failed in Portland in 2013, and again in Newport in 2015. Thanks to all of you who supported Clean Water Oregon campaigns, you enabled David to fell Goliath!

Does this mean we are now safe? Certainly not! The threat of fluoridation is ever present. We know from experience that any fluoridation action will likely start behind closed doors and be kept out of sight of the public for as long as possible.

You can help CWO monitor the legislature throughout the year. Maintain a relationship with your own senator and representative, and periodically find out from them if they know of any movement toward water fluoridation. If you learn something is afoot, notify CWO immediately and we will take appropriate action.

You can make a secure, tax-deductible donation to CWO at:     Thank you!

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