Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

By Kevin Kiley – July 30, 2021

Teachers unions just funneled Newsom another $2.1 million. It’s unclear if this is a bonus payment for last year’s shutdown or prepayment for the one to come.

In recent statements, Newsom has left no doubt he’s ready and willing to shut down schools again. The stakes for the Recall couldn’t be higher.

Making matters worse, yesterday the LA Unified School District announced it will require weekly testing for all students and staff. It’s one more sign this bungling behemoth needs to be broken up – and I say that as a former LAUSD teacher.

Meanwhile, California remains one of only five states in the country with a school mask mandate. I joined a large group of parents for a protest in Orange County. You can see my remarks to the Tustin School Board here.

None of this, it seems, applies to Newsom and his family. When you have a political class that consistently breaks its own rules, that’s a good sign both the politicians and the rules need to go.

We need to get Back to Basics: Pave our roads. Store our water. Manage our forests. Maintain our grid. Fund our police. Do the things government is supposed to do, do them well, and do nothing else.

Kevin Kiley is an Assemblyman. He’s running for Governor and will be on the September 14, 2021 ballot.

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