Thu. Oct 17th, 2024
    Supervisor Roger Gitlin’s raising of the curtain of public scrutiny  on the issue of the lack of requirement for the Public Health  Officer of Del Norte  County to reside in this  county at  the April 23rd Supervisor’s meeting appears to be a tempest in a thimble rather than a teapot. All other supervisors turned noses up and thumbs down on his proposed residency requirement of at least 180 days per year. Currently it is ,”whenever”.  It does not seem like an unreasonable requirement to this citizen of Del Norte .
     How many other county officers are living out of county? Supervisor Hemmingsen has stated that “he had questioned  Dr.Martinelli’s ability to do the job from Santa Barbara but, was satisfied with the response he received”.  It is not reported from whom  he received that response or the nature of that response.One could reasonably assume it was from Dr. Martinelli but such assumptions are not always the case. As to the amelioration of Supervisor Hemmingsen’s skepticism it may be based on the litany of actions and activities as reported in the April 25th edition of The Triplicate,” Health officer residency raises spat”. Among the actions and activities from afar Dr. Martinelli cites(for instance) being  a consultant between Pelican Bay State Prison and Sutter Coast Hospital, and enforcement officer of various health codes and statutes as well as a number of others. He claims a  once a month week long stint in Del Norte County.
    Now it seems that the need is intensifying whereby a deputy Health Officer is being sought to fill in  the 3 week per month hiatus created by an absentee county officer. Our  Public Health Officer receives just under $3,000.00 per month  and the deputy (who will be here to do the work ) will be on a volunteer basis. Wherein lies the logic of this situation? Is Dr. Martinelli indispensable? And to cap it off  please consider dear supervisors that money paid by  Del Norte County  is going to be spent by and large in Santa Barbara County    Would the supervisors be okay with Sheriff  Wilson living out of county? After all the job description for the Sheriff/Coroner which I picked up at personnel department today does not specify a residency in Del Norte County.  And by the way, Ms. Munson, (sheriff lacks authority to cherry-pick laws enforced 4-25-13) one of his listed duties is to interpret federal code and statutes.                                                    
Dale L. Bohling
Crescent City, Ca.
One thought on “Shouldn’t We Have A Residency Requirement?”
  1. Roger, Exactly what are the “community standards” that are referred to in your dissertation on your blight program? Are they the standards of Del Norte County, or those of Santa Clarita, your former residence? Possibly Del Norte could also acquire an alternative sheriff department similar to the one that was installed in Santa Clarita by the former employees of the California Attorney General? Some residents don”t much enjoy persons they don”t know invading their privacy, or scouting for property that may be acquired cheap. JUDGEMENT? How did that “Breakfast Club” work out? Why? Another great Roger idea. Have non~property owners case out & call code enforcement on property owners!

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