Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

By Kevin Kiley – October 1, 2021

Today Gavin Newsom violated the rights of millions of California families with a statewide vaccine mandate for students. Here is my full statement as Vice Chair of the Assembly Education Committee.

Just days ago, Newsom actively opposed a mandate for prison guards. The reason: their union gave him $1.75 million in the Recall. Special Interests can buy their way out of vaccine mandates just like lockdowns.

For Newsom, your rights as a parent mean nothing. The well-being of your child means nothing. Public health and “science” mean nothing. All that matters is money and headlines. 

California kids didn’t donate millions to his campaign, so they’ve been attacked relentlessly. Now they’re being expelled if they don’t get the shot.

I am renewing my calls to pass ACR 46, my Resolution to end the State of Emergency and rein in a Governor whose recklessness is surpassed only by his corruption.

2 thoughts on “Assemblyman Kevin Kiley Demands Accountability for Newsom’s Corrupt and Hypocritical Vaccine Mandates”
  1. Unbelievable that CCPOA gave Newsom $1.75 million. I am sick and tired of the union I still pay into using our funds to keep a dictator in office who wants to molest, assault, and kill our children with a poison jab. Utterly despicable

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