Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

By Alliance Defending Freedom – November 1, 2021

On Saturday, a federal judge put the brakes on SB 742, an egregious new California law which would have banned disfavored speech near vaccination sites.

ADF had challenged the law on behalf of Right to Life of Central California. Located next to a Planned Parenthood clinic that administers HPV vaccines, Right to Life had lost the ability to speak freely in its own parking lot, and on public sidewalks in front of its Outreach Center.

The court found that Right to Life was likely to succeed on its First Amendment free speech claims. It also found that SB 742, signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom just last month, “is [likely] not narrowly tailored to serve the state’s interest of ensuring access to vaccination sites,” and is likely “a content-based restriction on speech.” The court placed a temporary restraining order on the discriminatory parts of the law, pending further legal action. (Learn more here:…/right-life-central-california-v…)

“Free speech won the day not just for our client, Right to Life, but for every other speaker in California,” said ADF Senior Counsel Denise Harle. “The court rightly acknowledged SB 742’s double standard in restricting pro-life outreach while permitting other types of speech, such as picketing about a labor dispute.

We are thankful Right to Life’s staff and volunteers can continue their critical mission of serving vulnerable women in the central California region with their free, life-giving services.”

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