Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

By Branden Bieber – February 24, 2022

Is the Del Norte County Unified School District meeting the expectations of you and your kids?

Today, citizens can have their testimonials presented to the public at today’s School Board Meeting starting at 4:00 PM.  There is a lot on the agenda:

-A ceremonial presentation

-Board Member and Teacher Reports


-Bond A Funds – (Citizens Oversight Committee Board Members are being sued under a Writ of Mandate)

New $47 million Bond/Tax proposals for November 2022 ballot

-Mask Mandate

Take a look at this agenda View District Board Meeting (, and pick your grievance.  Let your voice be heard!

I’ll take the easy one!

Ceremonial Presentation “March Self-Injury Awareness Month”

Instead of the DNCUSD proclamation, a more accurate proclamation would be more educational.  It should read: 

March Self-Injury Awareness Month Proclamation 

WHEREAS, the DNCUSD condones and promotes Mental Illness, child abuse, violence, and bullying; and  

WHEREAS, we see an increase in learning disabilities and speech impairments; and deficient test scores; and 

WHEREAS, there is an increase of adverse effect from prolonged mask wearing; and

WHEREAS, white school board members are intimidating and coercing children; and  

WHEREAS, the school district promotes stereotype’s, and keeps parents from having input; and  

WHEREAS, County leadership continues to be disconnected with their constituents; and not taken seriously. 

Now, therefore, the Del Norte County Unified District Board of Trustees encourages all citizens to be informed of the warning signs and address the issue with our youth.  This is now accepted, and children will know the lack of leadership represented.  This is true today February 24th, 2022; and forever going forward.  

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