Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

By Roger Gitlin – EYE ON DEL NORTE – May 16, 2022

To those who’ve contacted me with questions about who to vote for at the State level, I’m happy to share my opinion.

It is indeed unfortunate and disheartening to observe the Del Norte Republican Party has dropped the basketball on recommending candidates for Governor and Attorney General. I’ll share with you my selections. Also, please do vote for local candidates who have no competition. Those running alone need your support and involvement in these vital positions.

Here are my suggestions:

*Govenor: BRIAN DAHLE, State Senator from inland Northern California. True Conservative.


*Secretary of State: ROB BERNOSKY

*State Controller: No selection

*State Treasurer: No selection

* Attorney General ANN MARIE SCHUBERT, current DA in Sacramento County.

* Insurance Commissioner: No selection

*State Board of Equalization: PETER COE VERBICA

*US Senator Full term: MARK P. MEUSER

*Partial term: MARK P. MEUSER

**U S Representative: DARIAN ELIZONDO

* State Senator: No selection

* State Assembly: CHARLOTTE SVOLOS

*Assessor: Jennifer Perry

*Auditor/Controller: Clinton Schaad.

*Clerk/Recorder: Alissia Northrup

*District Attorney: Katie Micks

*Tax Collector: Barbara Lopez

*Sheriff: Garrett Scott

Supervisor races in Districts 3, 4 and 5 is your individual choice.

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