Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

If men can be legally required to be the main caretaker of a child they’ve fathered, the incentive to abortion will be reduced, Ramaswamy argued.

Credit to Life Site News – December 13, 2023 — Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy vowed Tuesday to fight abortion by “codify[ing] sexual responsibility for men into law” if elected to the highest office in the nation.

Ramaswamy shared in a video posted to X, formerly Twitter, yesterday that he supports laws that give women the “exclusive right and option” to make the father of their child the “principal caretaker who’s responsible for bringing up that child” by law once the child is born.

“We couldn’t do that for most of our nation’s history, but we can do that today because we have genetic paternity tests that are 100 percent reliable,” the rising GOP candidate explained.

Ramaswamy proposed the measure as a way to fight abortion and promote pro-life decisions, suggesting that it would help do so by making men think twice about their sexual behavior if they aren’t ready to care for a child. 

He admitted many men would be reluctant to accept such a proposal, but “that’s the point,” he said. “It’s not necessarily comfortable for most men but that’s exactly what we need to stand for life.”

“It’s not about men’s rights or women’s rights anymore, it’s about human rights,” he added. He did not address whether such a proposal might actually incentivize fathers to push for abortion, if they felt their options were either encouraging an abortion or knowing they could be responsible for being the “principal caretaker” of their child for 18 years. 

Women in the U.S. can also already take the fathers of their children to court to receive child support, thanks to the genetic paternity tests Ramaswamy mentioned.

Ramaswamy framed the proposal as a way to support a pro-life culture that will also allow for a “landslide” win in the next general election. 

While the candidate has described himself as “unapologetically pro-life,” and he believes Dobbs v. Jackson “overturned Roe correctly on the grounds of the constitution,” Ramaswamy said that he doesn’t believe abortion is constitutionally a federal issue.

“More unborn babies will die in the next 30 years if we federalize this issue,” declared Ramaswamy, predicting that the next time Democrats control the White House and legislature, they would then reinstate Roe v. Wade on the grounds that abortion is a federal issue. 

“That’s a loss for the pro-life movement,” said Ramaswamy, who said that the other Republican presidential candidates favor a federal ban on abortion at some level.

In June 2023, Ramaswamy told LifeSiteNews he’d consider supporting a federal abortion law. “I’m keeping an open mind on that,” he said at the time. “That’s where I am.”

Ramaswamy’s insistence that the country refrain from federally banning abortion was slammed by long-shot pro-life Democrat presidential candidate Terrisa Bukovinac on X, who retweeted his video with the comment, “Vivek is a traitor to the babies and a threat to human rights everywhere. Genocide can never be a ‘state’s issue’.”

However, the GOP candidate’s legal plan for fathers was generally praised by men on social media, with one retired U.S. Army Reserve member, Andrew Wong, remarking that by contrast, “One of the worst things the welfare state did was to make men not responsible for their children,” adding, “We’re still paying for the consequences of fatherless children and broken families.”

One X commentator offered an alternative proposal that both parents be required to invest equally through both time and money in the upbringing of children, as opposed to just the father.

Ramaswamy, who was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, is Hindu. Hinduism posits that there is not a single God but multiple gods. Ramaswamy previously asserted that the U.S. is a “nation founded on Judeo-Christian values” and that he “share[s] those same values.”  

He has also said that “the real divide” in America is “not between those who are members of different traditional religions” but “those who pledge allegiance to a new religion of secularism, woke-ism, transgender-ism, climate-ism, COVID-ism.” 

Ramaswamy has repeatedly emphasized that his core platform is summed up in 10 beliefs, including that “God is real,” that “human flourishing requires fossil fuels,” and that “parents determine the education of their children.” 

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