Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

By Brigitte Gabriel – April 18, 2024

Update: While we may have missed our initial deadline to secure Parental Rights on the November 2024 ballot, our journey is far from over. With renewed determination, we’ve set our sights on a new deadline: May 15, 2024. This gives us another opportunity to place our ballot initiative directly into the hands of California voters in 2025.But achieving this goal requires collective effort because we are highly decentralized and working in silos with many parental rights supporters still largely unaware of this effort. It’s time to rally together, to unite grassroots movements, organizations, and houses of worship in a shared mission. Together, we can gather the petition signatures needed to ensure that Parental Rights become a reality in California.
Parental Rights are within our grasp! With enough wet petition signatures, California parents can override the radical Trifecta-controlled government that has infringed and abused parental rights in the state!  We have an exciting official ballot initiative titled Protect Kids of California Act which allows ‘We the People’ to set desired parental rights policy in our state!This is our greatest, fastest pathway forward to achieve Parental Rights in the state. There’s an important, arduous battle being waged at the School District level with six school boards (1%), out of 952, fighting hard for parents, but it won’t protect parents from the state or local CPS from stepping in and abusing our kids and families striving to protect them.  We Need Your Help!

We are roughly two-thirds of the way to the 546,000 wet signatures required to get this initiative on the 2025 ballot! It’s time to show California lawmakers and the nation that we will not sit silently by as our kids are preyed upon and our families are destroyed.  When we get this initiative on the ballot it is guaranteed to pass due to an overwhelming 78% of Californians supporting Parental Rights, including many Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.  This California Initiative will:
repeal the California law that permits male students to compete in female sports and male students to be in females’ locker rooms and bathrooms.prohibit schools from deceiving parents about their student’s gender identity crisis and stop them from secretly transitioning a child; andstop sex change operations and chemical castrations on minors.
Print, Sign, and Mail the Petition Here>
>Official Initiative Can Be Read Here>>
Here’s How We Will Win!
Print, Sign, and Mail the Petition.Print and Distribute the Petition to Every Friend and Family Member, Gather Their Signatures, and Mail the Petitions.Email to Every Friend and Family Member, Asking them To Print, Sign, and Mail the Petition ASAP.Post to Your Social Media Platforms, Making a Personal Appeal for Every ‘Friend’ to ACT with You by Deadline.
If you belong to a local grassroots movement, organization, or House of Worship, ask permission to set up a table to gather signatures at gatherings.  If you attend official political party meetings or clubs, please organize to print, sign, and mail the petition and request an email be sent to all members asking for signatures and participation in signature collection. Be bold in sharing: This is a unifying, non-partisan, non-sectarian issue!
75% believe gender surgery to change gender and puberty blockers should ONLY be allowed for adults over 18 years old. *Harvard Harris Poll68% believe parents should be notified if their child identifies or requests to be identified or treated as a gender that doesn’t align with their biological sex.75% believe gender surgery to change gender and puberty blockers should ONLY be allowed for adults over 18 years old. *Harvard Harris Poll68% believe parents should be notified if their child identifies or requests to be identified or treated as a gender that doesn’t align with their biological sex. *Rassmussen Poll64% believe sports should be restricted to their birth gender. *Gallop Poll
Join the Movement and Help Us Fight!

Brigitte Gabriel is the Founder of Act for America

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