Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

By Kevin Kiley – May 30, 2023

Earlier this year Newsom “postponed” his State of the State address. We’re nearing June and it hasn’t been rescheduled.

The most publicity-seeking Governor in the country is turning down a major platform – not to mention ignoring a constitutional requirement – because he can’t defend his disastrous record. That’s the true State of our State. But we are making headway against two Newsom disasters:

First, Congress is opening an investigation into California’s “high speed” rail project. The Transportation Committee, which I’ve just joined, is demanding documents on Biden’s decision to award Newsom “substantial federal taxpayer dollars on this highly questionable endeavor.”

The project has been a debacle of historic proportions, tripling to $128 billion with almost nothing built after 15 years. A New York Times exposé found it isn’t on track to be completed this century. A key contractor left for North Africa where it is “less politically dysfunctional.”

Second, we should soon get word that the End Prop. 47 initiative has qualified for the ballot. Yet there is a last-ditch attempt by Newsom to head it off; after years of catering to criminals, the State Senate just approved a so-called “Working Together for a Safer California” bill package.

This is a gambit: none of the bills fixes Prop. 47. Indeed, because Prop. 47 was a voter initiative – falsely labeled the “Safe Neighborhood and Schools Act” – it can only be undone by initiative. Fortunately, we will have that opportunity in November.

Next week is a huge one in DC. Anthony Fauci will appear before Congress, just as the House has uncovered new evidence of a cover-up by Fauci and his associates regarding the origins of COVID.

And at a Judiciary hearing, I’ll have the chance to question a man who’s done incalculable damage to our country: Attorney General Merrick Garland. I’ll only get five minutes, but I plan to make the most of them.

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Kevin Kiley is a California Congressman

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