Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

By Carl DeMaio – September 16, 2024

With ballots hitting mailboxes across CA in less than 18 days, we have received some very concerning polling data on four priority statewide ballot propositions were leading campaigns on. Prop 13 is in danger of being gutted.

Before you see the polling numbers and panic, please remember that the polling below was done based on the FALSE and MISLEADING ballot titles the politicians put on these measures, especially the Prop 5 tax hike measure. With that said, here are the numbers right now:

Prop 5 – Partial Repeal of Prop 13 to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes
Yes 46% vs No 28% – Undecided 26%
Our position: Vote NO

Prop 32 – Raise Minimum Wage and Spike More Inflation
Yes 52% vs No 34% – Undecided 14%
Our position: Vote NO

Prop 33 – Rent Control and Weaken Property Rights
Yes 40% vs No 33% – Undecided 27%
Our position: Vote NO

Prop 36 – Make Crime Illegal Again
Yes 56% vs No 23% – Undecided 21%
Our position: Vote YES

While Reform California is pleased at the numbers for our YES on Prop 36 campaign right now, we clearly have a LOT of work to do to win the NO on Props 5, 32, and 33 campaigns!

The good news is our polling shows voters overwhelmingly switch to NO on Props 5, 32 and 33 once they learn what the measures actually do! That’s where Reform California’s “Plain English” Voter Guide becomes so crucial to us winning these fights – and saving Prop 13 in 2024!

Bottomline: We can WIN on all four of these statewide ballot measure fights!

The Democrats have deep pockets and dishonest ballot titles to help them pass all Prop 5, 32, and 33 – and defeat Prop 36. Only YOU can help us fight back!

Carl DeMaio is Chairman of Reform California
Candidate, California State Legislature
Proponent, CA Voter ID Initiative

For further info go to their website:

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