Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

By Gun Owners of California – October 17, 2024

Does it matter if gun owners vote?  Damn straight it does.  Some say it won’t move the needle, but GOC knows it will.

We know there is a political storm brewing in our country – and instead of bringing destruction, it’s bringing a renewed gust of energy to American citizens.  An awful lot of people are tired of the cultural decay that’s infected our communities, and we are hopeful that with this wind, a lot of left-wing garbage will be swept right into a landfill. 

We can do this but we have to VOTE.

GOC has seen first-hand a big shift – huge numbers of people that had shied away from gun ownership have finally had it and are now stiff-arming the anti-gun propaganda.  They’ve seen what’s been happening in their communities in the past few years, and have decided deadbolting their doors was not enough:  it was time to visit their local gun store.  In fact, more than 22.3 million Americans – a population approaching the size of Southern California (23 million) have become first-time gun ownersand to the great distress of the media and political elitists, they come from every demographic imaginable.  

Would you believe it if we told you that just since January of this year, Californians have purchased over 340,000 guns – and last year, gun purchases totaled over 1,043,000?  There are over 3.3 million adult gun owners in the Golden State, which brings the number of guns in California homes to over 50 million – which is a whopping huge number, and it doesn’t frighten us one iota. So while we concede our politics are nutty, we are indeed, a land of actual, red-blooded gun owners – not just a bunch of gun control nuts. 

Imagine if every gun-owning family voted for the candidate that supports the Constitution.  We might not be in the mess we are in. 

Larry Keane, senior vice president and general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, recently emphasized to the Daily Caller that the gun vote could be a determining factor in the upcoming election.  …” “Bill Clinton acknowledged, as did Clinton’s campaign, the White House spokesman Joel Lockhart admitted, that the gun vote cost Al Gore the White House. It cost John Kerry the White House. It cost the Democrats control of Congress in 1994 after they passed the Clinton gun ban…” 

This election is about more than the sky-rocketing inflation, the extraordinary increase in our cost of living, or the difficulty for hard-working people to be able to buy a house (particularly in California).  It’s about who we are as Americans.  What do we stand for?  Are we willing to stand up – and step up and make our voices heard? 

Please VOTE. Please be armed and informed about it. Our country and state are in one of the most unsettling times in our history. 

This is not the time to stay on the couch.  Winston Churchill’s words are more relevant today than ever:  “When you are going through hell, keep on going. Never never never give up.”
Please note these important dates: To register to vote in the General Election on November 5, 2024, your registration form must be postmarked by October 21, 2024 (15 days before the election). In California, we even have the ability to track our ballot – when it’s mailed, received and counted.

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