Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Opinion and Commentary By Donna Westfall – October 17, 2024

What have we learned? The planner/architect/mastermind behind the killing of 1200 music goers in Israel on October 7, 2023 has been eliminated in Southern Gaza.

Confirmation of his DNA was made by Israeli Defense Forces. The terrorist’s name: Yahya Sinwar. In 2004, he was treated for a brain tumor in Israel. After serving 22 years behind bars for terrorism connected to the killing of two Israeli soldiers, and four Palestinians, he was released in a prisoner exchange in 2011.

Listen to this. The prisoner exchange was 1,027 Palestinians for one Israeli soldier named Gilad Shalit held in captivity for over 5 years. Since his return Shalit has married. Recently he spoke with the families of the hostages giving them hope that life can return to normal upon their relatives release.

Gilad Shalit with Netanyahu at the 2011 prisoner exchange

Why did Sinwar do this? He was one of the founding members of Hamas. He hated Jews and Israel. What does HAMAS mean: The Hebrew word hamas in the Old Testament is most frequently translated as. “violence“.

Let’s look at the Old Testament. In the Old Testament are passages related to killing ones enemies:

Deuteronomy 20:1 says, “When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the LORD your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you.” Sometimes God even commanded the unmerciful annihilation of evil nations.

And another Leviticus 26:7 says, “You will hunt down your enemies. You will kill them with your swords.”

In addition to following Sinwars edicts to kill, (including rape, torture and burning families alive) they also kidnapped 250 including 8 Americans. Of those, about 100 of the hostages have still not been returned.

Do any of you wonder about all the antisemitism in our world? Let’s just concentrate on our country. Do you think that if any group kidnapped, raped, tortured, burned alive the relatives of those professing to be in support of Hamas, the Palestinians, etc., had their family members killed, how much do you want to bet they would want justice.

What kind of man was Sinwar? When it came to sacrificing Palestinians he had no problem. He wasn’t interested in hostage negotiations. His goal was to create an Islamic state and eradicate Israel.

It always makes me wonder about people like Biden and Harris who think you can create a two state solution between Gaza and Israel. Don’t they realize that when one party want the total destruction of the other party there is no peace? There can never be any peace.

Sinwar was born on October 29, 1962, died on October 16, 2024 just shy of his 62nd birthday. In my opinion, good riddance.

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