Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

By Assemblyman Kevin Kiley – February 25, 2022

Two weeks ago, when Newsom extended the school mask mandate, I wrote it would be “widely ignored” throughout California. That’s exactly what has happened.

I’m proud my hometown has led the way, with Roseville Joint Union High School District passing a mask choice Resolution. Dozens of districts have now followed.

History will record that Newsom’s one-man rule was ended not by the courts or the legislature, but by the people. We simply stopped listening to him.

One teachers union has responded with a strike that’s shut down a high school the last two days. In a fit of lunacy, the union president said if students don’t have to wear masks, he shouldn’t “have to wear a shirt.”

This was in Nevada County, one of ten counties I’ll represent if elected to Congress. I’ve put out an official statement denouncing the strike. In short, corrupt unions have seized every opportunity to abandon kids. 

Meanwhile, gas prices have hit another record high. The state claims to have a $60 billion “surplus,” so there is no reason we can’t suspend the gas tax. My bill, AB 1638, would save Californians 50 cents a gallon.

And a city audit found LA spends $837,000 to house one homeless person. Perhaps this is why Newsom has done everything he can to block my statewide audit.

2 thoughts on “A Fit of Lunacy”
  1. Thank You Mr. Kiley, for standing on your values.
    I support your foundation of principles, and my family is grateful your fighting to protect America’s Constitution. There are many injustices to overcome, but your continued leadership can stop the political pendulum from destroying our democracy. The implied “Joke of Emergency” imposed by our righteous Governor is coming to an end. Along with his propaganda, his flock of sheep will go dark. The hypocritical Shepard will abandon his followers, and all they will have is “Fear.”

    Your leadership and representation of Individual Freedoms will enlighten America’s principles. Our state will once again illuminate innovation, social equality, and capital dominance. Once you are Governor and restore democracy, private business will again flourish. We don’t need more Government, we need sensible Government.

    Too bad, we have to wait until November. VOTE KILEY!

  2. I was going to write Senator McGuire about suspending the Gas Tax, but looks like you’re on it. Heard on radio this morning average gas price in CA is $4.76/gallon. Cheapest I saw in Crescent City today is $5.09. I think Caltrans needs shaking up also. Too many people with titles and too many on job sites just standing around.

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