Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

By Donna Westfall – Jan. 17, ’18 –

  1. DMV – Got in and out without an appointment in about 35 minutes, but noticed the  American Flag on the outside flagpole is tattered – needs to be replaced.  Told the clerk, who was really nice and helpful, and she said she’d relay the message to her supervisor.
  2. WalMart had Organic Mushrooms, 8 oz for $2.08 when all others over $3.
  3. DN County jail/office building looking so much better now that it’s been painted and cleaned up. Thanks to Alan Windogradov and his crew, taking charge of the maintenance.
  4. Guy asked me if I knew if Mental Health was being investigated by the Grand Jury.  I have no idea.
  5. The Thai House restaurant closed, which I didn’t know.  They closed two weeks ago.  Well, shoot.
  6. Three guys attended this morning’s Town Hall Meeting to talk about solar power and turning Crescent City into a model city meeting it’s needs through renewable sources.

In researching, I found Burlington, Vermont, the first city in the United States, that’s meeting it’s electricity needs 100% through using renewables. That town has a population of 42,000 and are very environmentally conscious. Utilizing 100% renewable energy since in 2014 through Biomass (44%), Hydro power plant (35%) Wind  and Solar energy (21%).

As soon as Burlington hit the milestone, Moody’s upgraded their credit rating. Something the City of Crescent City could probably use based on their bad decisions with the $43.8 million Wastewater Treatment Plant loan.

Back to Vermont. The video story stated that renewable energy is costlier than fossil fuels, but people in Burlington haven’t seen a rate increase in nine years.  That’s because their electric company sells  renewable energy credits to other states. (Credit to CGTN America/


One thought on “About Town Wednesday, January 17, 2018”
  1. Bernie Sanders was mayor of Burlington when the programs noted above were started. Burlington is a very progressive town.

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