Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

By Roger Gitlin – EYE ON DEL NORTE – March 11, 2022

Del Norte District 4 has a new candidate filing for Supervisor: JOEY BORGES of Ft. Dick has filed his papers.

Born and bred in Del Norte County, candidate Borges founded an organic dairy farm at age 19. The farm has grown to now raising cattle. Borges earned his Contractors License and installs underground sanitation/septic systems. Candidate Borges is a major booster and coach of many Del Norte HS sports programs and past president of the PTSO, Parent/Teachers Organization.

Joey Borges is running on a platform of improving quality of life, the County needs to promote a stronger and more prominent business-friendly environment and attract folks who have something to contribute to Del Norte County. He did not support the purchase by the County of the Coastal Inn and Suites to a transitional housing homeless shelter.

Core Values:

* “…Honesty, hard work and a man of my word.

“* Opposed Measure R Sales Tax increase.

* Re-implement Pelican Bay State Prison Level 1 Off- Reservation work crews to help clean up the County.

Borges promises to work with State Dept of Fish and Wildlife to restore or remove long-dilapidated homes along Lower Lake. Borges expresses his disappointment in the disaster associated with Pacific Shores.

Candidat Borges adamantly states he’s not a rubber stamp candidate and promises to question expenditures which do not improve quality of life for not just District 4 constituents but for all who live in our County.

To date, Joey Borges will run against Brian Stone and Patty Adams.

The election is June 7.

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