Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

By Samuel Strait – May 22, 2018 –

It has been awhile since my words have graced the pages of the Crescent City Times, but a recent interview on KFUG’s Sunday 3 to 4 pm program “Conversations with Sam”, which featured the challenger for the Supervisor’s seat of District 3, Jake Smith, has me in awe of the man’s quick grasp of the important issues that have plagued this County for years.  While I hosted this interview, the true stars of the Sunday’s extended program were Jake Smith and Angelina Countess- Bieber, one of Jake’s prospective constituents.   For two hours, from 3 to 5 pm these two knowledgeable people covered the entire gamut of things that are important to the well being and prosperity of future Del Norte County.  Something that seems to be an elusive feature at the current Board of Supervisors meetings where the urgency for correcting the County’s failing road system, supporting and continuing the effort of Supervisor Roger Gitlin’s war on Blight, establishing a sensible policy for recreational cannabis, supporting the local Health Care District’s effort to make Sutter Health conform to the needs of this community, and last but not least a viable local economy that also seems to have escaped the notice of several members of the Board.  While none of this is an overnight fix, the citizenry has waited patiently for some time to see some action by our local Board of Supervisor’s which is other than Supervisor’s “working behind the scenes” all the while taking numerous trips to Japan.  Something that for the want of a better word will turn the dismal economic negatives into a better climate for growth and prosperity.

I have heard it expressed  “How can a person so new to the County, six years in residence, understand what needs to be done?”,  and “how can some one “new” to the Board compare to sitting Supervisor who has a wealth of contacts and resources? For those of you who do not know Mr. Smith, a bulk of his career was spent in Sacramento where he was able to establish relationships with not only State Officials, but Federal Officials as well.  That alone pretty much over shadows anything that the current incumbents have to offer.  As far as what things need to be addressed in the County, in far less time, Mr. Smith was able to identify every one, and had a viable suggestion to solve each one.  It was very clear to me that the man can listen and has the desire to move the needle in this County.  This is something that is imperative for the over all health of Del Norte County. Supervisors in this County can no longer make excuses and expect some one else to do the heavy lifting.  It was very clear during the course of this interview that Candidate Smith intends to do that heavy lifting to move this County forward, so we are no longer an orphan of Sacramento.

While Candidate Jake Smith has all the tools to be an excellent representative for District 3, it became very clear during the course of the interview the level of need for change in the District and a new tone for the Smith River, Gasquet, and Hiouchi areas are paramount.  As expressed by his constituent, Angelina Countess-Bieber, new businesses, a full time 24 hour deputy, and a revitalization of Smith River proper should be a part of new growth and development in the County.    Angelina made it clear that abstentions and motions tabled are not what representatives should be a part of when larger issues are on the table.   Over a wide ranging discussion, both Angelina and I found ourselves impressed with Mr. Smith’s competency  and desire to make Del Norte County great once again.  Pretty clearly the mechanism needs to change, and this is the man to do it.  Vote Jake Smith for Supervisor District 3.

To listen to this interview in full go to

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