Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

By Samuel Strait – Reporter at Large – January 23, 2022

In another of California’s “third World” urban centers, often referred
to as LA or Los Angeles, Governor Newsom, with a penchant for a good
photo op, was found casually suited in tee shirt, slacks, loafers, and a
baseball cap, with blue plastic bag in hand “helping” workers clean up
the trash ladened right of way on the Union Pacific tracks north of LA. 
Apparently, Governor “Empty Suit” hadn’t been in front of a camera for
at least fifteen minutes before the anguish became too much for him and
he hopped aboard a private jet to fly to Los Angeles.  Not that LA
doesn’t have a wealth of more serious problems, or that Sacramento’s
Executive leadership finds it necessary to send the Chief Bottle Washer
to LA to pick up trash, No, it gives Hair Gel an opportunity to preen
and prattle before cameras about “State Support” for beleaguered Crime
infested Cities.

Embarrassing video of the right of way alongside Union Pacific’s tracks
covered with debris from containers looted by “gangs”, not groups of
people, finally got the empty suit’s attention.  The feckless mayor and
his “soft on CRIME, DA”, are reaping the whirl wind of Progressive
policies within the State.  The foolishness of “Defund the Police”  has
resulted in a huge spike in crime coupled with no accountability
practiced from the DA’s office.  Smash and grabs by organized “gangs” of
criminals, looting of rail containers, and a spike in violent crime,
have turfed our Governor from his life of excess into announcing his,
not the legislators, “Real Public Safety Plan”, in order to bolster law
enforcement efforts to curb crime in California.

The Governor’s Plan you say, is exactly what?  Looks like a call for
multi State agencies who will “support” current law enforcement in their
efforts to “crack down” on the current wave of lawlessness, and of
course SPEND MORE MONEY.  The Governor will instruct Caltrans to assist
in the clean up effort with Union Pacific workers, and the California
Highway Patrol will continue to assist in efforts to prevent railway
theft, but only in LA. The “new” all out effort on theft prevention will
include “prosecuting criminals involved”, oh really, and cleaning up
local communities.  Seems he forgot to mention “climate Change”.  The
grandiose “Plan” is expected as usual to have a steep price tag of $255
million, plus another $18 million for the State’s Attorney Generals
Office to wave its magic wand at the problems.  No mention of the
previous policy of slashing police budgets, prosecutorial indifference,
and catering to Progressive Social Justice.

As he rode off into the sunset clutching his singular half filled blue
plastic bag, Hair Gel could not refrain from plugging his $1.1 billion
Clean California Plan, again no mention of “climate change”, no doubt
headed to the nearest high end restaurant to get maskless and cosy with
a group of lobbyists, angling for a “big donation” for his reelection in
2022.   Some political “animals” find it hard to change stripes.  Newsom
as he has been known to do, never leaves a potential photo op to pass
him by.  Yet another example of his tone deaf administration.

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