Thu. Mar 13th, 2025 2:43:48 AM


Approximately 330,000 Canadians living in and around Windsor, Ontario will be drinking fluoride-free water in the near future. After more than a year of campaigning by local residents, and a 6-hour long hearing on Monday night, the Windsor Council voted 8-3 to end fluoridation. Mayor Eddie Francis also voted with the majority, saying: “A lot has changed in the last 60 years…fluoride is not the be-all and end-all to prevent tooth decay.”

This past March, Tecumseh town councilors voted 3-1 to ask Windsor to stop adding fluoride to the water. Prior to Tecumseh’s vote both the Windsor Essex County Environment Committee and the Windsor Utilities Commission recommended that the city end their fluoridation program after citizens raised concerns about the additive.

Windsor, Tecumseh, and LaSalle will now join the growing number of Canadian communities that have recently ended fluoridation, including Waterloo, Calgary, Lakeshore, Kirkland Lake, Orillia, Moncton, Amherstburg, and many more. In fact, according to the Director of the Environmental Training Institute–which trains municipal waterworks operators—“there’s been a 26 per cent drop in Canadian municipalities using fluoridation since 2005.”

The city spends $125,000 a year adding hydrofluosilicic acid (HFSA for short), the same chemical used in Crescent City.  That money will now be directed to help with oral health and nutrition.

Fluoride Free Windsor was well organized.  In response to the “experts” calling the anti-fluoride group fear mongers, Ayesha Drouillard, part of Fluoride Free Windsor threw it right back in their face and accused them of fear mongering.

That’s what it takes.  For 50 years fluoride has been added to Windsor’s water.  Those days are over for Windsor.

Californian’s against water fluoridation still have their work cut out for them.  The legislation needs to be changed in Sacramento so that the largest cities can opt out of this scam.  One day water fluoridation will be recognized as one of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated upon the American publics’ health.




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