Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

By JJ McElheney – June 6, 2024

Dear Dr. Wolfe,

Please provide me with updates available on this subject matter that involves NIEHS/NTP.  

It is important that NIEHS/NTP be transparent here and now with my inquiry, given the shocking bad faith uncovered with the fluoride neurotoxicity report.  

I have asked previously for available updates of where fluoride endocrine disrupting and carcinogenic analyses are in the pipeline.  No answer.

As you are aware, my personal time and energy has been extensively documented in efforts to generate this critical information to envirovictims. 

Please be sensitive to the fact that we feel that the extraordinary measures taken to accommodate the dental industry to interfere and conceal the rigorous conclusions of the developmental neurotoxicity of fluoride, is abusive in nature and should have already been rectified to never occur again.   

Has it?

NIEHS/NTP has gone out of the way to feed adverse toxicology information to a third party dental trade group, while ignoring those of us who have been negatively impacted by fluoride in drinking water.  

This is unacceptable and potential violation of protected rights to US citizens. 

The removal of this real time major neurotoxic exposure pathway to pregnant people and their babies, should have been a priority already for federal agents with this internal knowledge.

On the contrary, the harm remains.  

Why has NIEHS/NTP punted to the dental industry to continue this abuse and perpetuate potential fraud, rather than vigorously act to remove this endangerment in a concerted interagency effort? 

I look forward to hearing from you with this important updates. 

Thank you, 

JJ McElheney

Editor’s Note: From Fluoride Action Network –

Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) of 1976, a group of non-profits and individuals petitioned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2016 to end the addition of fluoridation chemicals into U.S. drinking water due to fluoride’s neurotoxicity. The EPA rejected the petition. In response the groups sued the EPA in Federal Court in 2017. Evidence on fluoride’s neurotoxicity was heard by the Court in two phases: a 7-day trial in June 2020, and a 14-day trial in February 2024. As of May 2024, a judgment from the court has yet to be rendered.

Official Court link: Food and Water Watch et al. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency et al.

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