Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

By Bob Berkowitz – January 8, 2016 –

Bob Berkowitz 2I have decided to seek your support to run for a seat on the board of supervisors. Let me tell you why.

It seems to me that many of the problems that face our county get kicked down the road year after year, decade after decade.  I don’t have to tell you that the Stremberg’s death when Last Chance Grade collapsed in the 1970’s should have prompted a complete replacement of that roadway, yet, more than 40 years later, the replacement is still all talk and no action.

This section of Hwy 101 is a lifeline to many Del Norters who need ongoing medical treatment in Eureka, so if this lifeline were cut, it could result in serious conditions getting worse or death for citizens of our county. Caltrans own studies have documented the economic devastation that would occur. Businesses would suffer and prices for everyday items would go through the roof. With Hwy 101 no longer useable, more traffic would be forced to use Hwy 199 as an alternate resulting in increased traffic loads. We already experience periodic closures of this highway due to landslides. This would increase the probability that this road could also be closed for a period of time.

I want to be on a board that starts walking the walk. I believe my experience in working as a staff member to the U.S. Congress can help us cut the red tape and get the money that we need to move replacement to the top of the list. Currently the State of California is predicting a $10 billion budget surplus. Some of this money could be used as matching money with the federal funds to move this project forward, but this surplus will not last for long because other areas of the state with less serious needs that ours will be out to grab that money.

Many of our Seniors live hand to mouth, mostly on Social Security. In the last five years, they’ve seen their fixed costs increase to the breaking point. The cost for heating their homes have increased 22% during that period. Other increases are on the way with water and sewer bills going up. We need to expand public and private partnerships that can help, so that no Senior goes hungry. We can do this by expansion of the “meals on wheels” program and others, but the board of supervisors needs to be actively engaged. I want to be a part of putting words into action.

Some specific problems that affect those of us who live in District 5 include investigating the traffic flows as people travel from Howland Hill Road and make the left hand turn on to Elk Valley Road. This is a very dangerous intersection because of the cars coming up the hill on Elk Valley Road. We need to slow those cars down to prevent accidents at that intersection.

When traveling North on Parkway Drive and merging with the traffic along Washington Blvd can be dangerous when the cars on Parkway don’t pay attention to the yield sign. We need to look at that so that we reduce the probability of accidents.

In short, if you are satisfied with the way things are and always will be, then you should stay with your current supervisor. If you want to see the changes I have listed above then I would appreciate your support. Only when we work together can we solve our problems and move forward as a county.
You can contact me at bberkowitz@yahoo.com
9 thoughts on “Berkowitz running for Supervisor 5th District”
  1. I’m really surprised at some of the vitriol from a few of our citizens on expressing opinions. Is it really necessary to express such contempt? After three years on the Board and seeing how some of the long term incumbents act, I welcome and encourage not just Bob Berkowitize but anyone with Iintegrity and principles to throw their hat in the ring. It’s called democracy and it’s very healthy. Bob Berkowitz’ candidacy on the Board of Supervisors is a breath of fresh air. I welcome it and hope he wins. Use of pejorative name calling merely detracts from the individual expressing the base language. You should stop the name calling immediately. We can disagree without being disagreeable. Last Chance Grade, Sutter Coast Hodpital, Blight, homelessness, infrastructure, well paying private sector jobs? Let’s talk about that..

    Of course, no one knows all the answers and how to address and fix some of our systemic problems…but we ought to be able to honestly talk about them. Wouldn’t you agree?

    Roger Gitlin, District 1
    Del.Norte County Board of Supervisors.

    1. Mr Gitlin, we’ve met before. I want to say THANK YOU for what you are doing and i very much appreciate the work you’ve done for the community. You are right about the name calling as well as the fact we live in a democracy. You summed it up nicely. If i am your constituent (i’m not sure yet), then you have my full support.

  2. Regardless of who runs for board of supervisors please take into consideration how much time, effort, and work that goes into making the decision to run for this position. Not to mention the money resource. I can understand if you don’t care for a candidate, but name calling and hiding behind a cosmic wall is cowardly.

    By the way, I don’t see any of you stepping up to the plate. Think about that.

    1. “Regardless of who runs for board of supervisors please take into consideration how much time, effort, and work that goes into making the decision to run for this position” What a crock of Sh@t. All of a sudden you are now in the race. If you and your little group of morons were to somehow win the county would collapse because none of you have any vision or morality.

      ..and as for this stupid site publishing things without confirming who wrote it. SHAME ON THEM!!!!!

  3. Mr. Berkowitz

    Your time has passed and its evident that you’re not ready to move on gracefully. Having opinions and cutting edge information along with the ability to effectively put efforts into working with others is whats needed.

    Bullying, intimidating, and self grandiosity about one’s sense of superiority didn’t work the last time you ran unsuccessfuly for school board and Supervisor. The communitys memory is much better than yours.

    Even if you had all the solutions to solve the community problems noone cares because of how you treat people. You’re a very typical egomaniac who wants the power to control things you have no business being involved with.

    Running for office in your late 70s is something that people who are satisfied with their lives typically don’t do. Are you satisfied?

    People have listened to you attack others and play dirty politics for years. Stay home and drink your prune juice. Everyone knows you’re full of s#!&

    1. You go girl. Don’t know what this jackass is thinking. We do not need any more slimy wanna be politicians.

  4. Great another IDIOT that thinks he is gods next gift to the county. You are a MORON if you think you can change anything by yourself, and most of the other board members are intelligent enough to know that you are to stupid to work with. Not only are you stupid you are a scumbag that thinks you are above everyone NOT!!!!! Why don’t you fall down face first in a puddle and drown.

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