Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

By Donna Westfall – February 10 2023

Recently I had need to find a Primary Care Physician in this town. Someone recommended I talk with the Area 1 representative on aging at the Senior Center located at 1765 Northcrest Drive in Crescent City. I drove over and the rep wasn’t in, but I discovered that things had changed dramatically at the Senior Center.

No longer do they serve sit-down lunches inside which I used to enjoy years ago. The camaraderie and food was very congenial. Matter-of-fact most of the activities that used to take place at the senior center have been suspended until further notice due to Covid.

Instead you can still get lunch, but you pick it up and leave. So we did. Pleasantly surprised at the system and the food.

Yesterday was chicken with potatoes and green beans with a pint of milk. Today was beef stew with mixed vegetables, cornbread and a banana plus a pint of milk.

Cost? $3 suggested donation for seniors 60 and over.

There is some paperwork to fill out, a short 2 page form. You hand that in and then you are assigned a number. You put your number into the computer which identifies you. When you are finished with that, then you are handed a number which reflects how many lunches you are there to pick up. Next stop, the kitchen. You hand your number to the server, he puts your lunch in a bag and hands it over to you. It’s all very streamlined and pleasant.

We don’t usually point out government agencies related to our Business Spotlight column, but this deserves attention.

If you want further information about the Senior Center go to their website at

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