Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Opinion and Commentary By Donna Westfall – November 2, 2023

Four republicans from California and the way they voted:

  1. Rep. Doug La Malfa, Republican:

I called his office at 202 225 3076 and asked the guy that answered the phone “why?”, the answer, “Because he thought it was against the 1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech.” I subsequently called back and asked the gal if that covered “Hate Speech” and she had no idea, but took my name and number and said I could get a call back. I met Doug years ago here in Crescent City and thought the world of him then.

2. Rep. Tom McClintock, Republican:

I called his office at 916 786 5560 and got a recorded message so left a message for a call back.

3. Rep. Darrell Issa, Republican:

I went on his web site: Filled out the forms and asked to be contacted.

4. Rep. John Duarte, Republican:

He issued this press release November 1st:

Rep. Duarte’s Statement on Tlaib Censure VoteShare on Facebook Share on Twitter Print this Page Share by EmailWashington, November 1, 2023WASHINGTON – Today, Representative John Duarte (CA-13) issued a statement regarding his vote to table the motion to censure Representative Rashida Tlaib.

“I want to be absolutely clear that I fully support Israel’s right to defend itself, and unequivocally condemn Hamas’ terrorism, brutality, and inhumanity. We have a responsibility to stand with the Israeli government to stop this egregious behavior from progressing any further. Furthermore, the uptick in antisemitism around the country is deeply alarming, and we must do everything in our power to stand against this hatred towards the Jewish people.

Some in the House of Representatives have even floated such rhetoric. What is being expressed by Representative Tlaib and others concerning Hamas’s terrorism has been appalling, infuriating, and disgusting. I vehemently disagree with her ignorant statements about the war in Israel. But however much her comments disturb me, she still has a First Amendment right to free speech to voice these views, however ridiculous they may be. That is why I voted to table the motion to censure Tlaib. It is this right that Tlaib and other Americans have that allows us to counter false and hateful narratives being orchestrated against Israel. In this case, the First Amendment acts as a spotlight for us to identify hatred and condemn it swiftly. Censure is a tool that the House must use with caution. I fear this may be weaponized in the future to silence those who have divergent views.

Even Marjorie Taylor Greene is entitled to her right to voice her opinion—even if that means lambasting me on Twitter. Nevertheless, my commitment to the First Amendment principle of free speech extends to Representative Greene’s views, as it does to Representative Tlaib and her right to express such grotesque narratives,” said Rep. Duarte.

Here’s my opinion and commentary:

Jews, Christian-Jews, Christians and all considering themselves American’s who are aware that their lives are in danger have started buying guns and learning how to shoot, even those that were formerly in favor of gun control recognize that Hamas would take your life in a second.

While our senile President has brought us to the brink of WWIII, individuals in this country that value life and value their own lives will do what is necessary to protect themselves.

“Hate speech” is not protected by the 1st Amendment. I can’t imagine any court of law in this country coming to the conclusion that Rep Tlaib’s speech is spouting off anything else…. unless that Judge is a died in the wool Democrat.

One final question: How much do each of those four Republican’s detest Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene more than they detest Hate Speech?

Now, a call to Congressman Jared Huffman’s office. (415) 258-9657: I spoke to Collin who said, “I haven’t yet spoken with the Congressman.” But he took my information and said they will get back to me.

I abhor the idea and the practice that Democrats will stick together no matter what the issue is. Not one single independent thought among the lot of them.

2 thoughts on “California Reps That Voted to Kill Resolution To Censure Rep Tlaib”
  1. Well Mr Steelhead you asked who’s senile you must be talking about Biden correct or maybe his VP,
    God help us if they stay in office I find it difficult to believe people would vote for them.

  2. While your presidential candidate just stated in a speech that the sitting president is going to take us into WW11. Who’s senile?

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