Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

By Donna A. Westfall – May 20, 2024

Do you have friends that live in Los Angeles? I was born and raised in LA. I can barely believe this about their LA County Board of Supervisors. I received this moments ago from the President of Golden State Republican Women, Janet Price:

A vote was taken on May 7, 2024, presented by Supervisor Lindsey Horvath to provide additional legal funds to all Anti-Israeli protesters at UCLA arrested during the protests. Only 1 supervisor, Kathryn Barger voted against this motion!

Why are our tax dollars being used to support Anti-American, Antisemitic, Pro-Hamas protesters? The public was not informed of this motion prior to the vote. Please read the following considerations and information.

Ask them to ask their supervisor these questions:

  1. Why didn’t the UCLA Administration act quickly to shut this down when the Pro-Hamas terrorist camps formed days before the riot, and terrorist threats and intimidations did not allow tuition paying students to attend class. Why didn’t UCLA Administration protect its students? ​
  2. What we have seen at UCLA, USC, universities around the country are being funded by international organizations like the Chinese Communist Party and George Soros. Outside non-student anarchists are training our college students to organize and riot under the guise of free speech. ​
  3. Free speech is the cornerstone of a free society. These college protests were organized and funded by non-students who want America to fall. ​
  4. They want anarchy, and the universities are helping them in the name of “political correctness.”​
  5. The First Amendment allows for peaceful demonstrations but does not excuse violence, vandalism, trespassing, terrorist threats and hate speech. This is not the First Amendment in action; rioting occurred at UCLA and other campuses around the country. 
  6. We call for an end to outside interference by terrorist groups like Hamas and the Chinese Communist Party. 
  7. County Supervisors are taking money from the much-needed services for County residents and directing those funds to defend Anti-American terrorists. If the arrested UCLA students and those non-students need legal help, it is provided by the public defender’s office. These groups do not need additional taxpayer funds to supplement legal fees. 
  8. Why are the protestors at UCLA – student and non-students alike getting legal aid from the Board of Supervisors when low-income individuals are not afforded anything better than a public defender? 
  9. To the UCLA Administration, the Governor, and County Supervisors, you have taken positions collectively that reflect the political evils perpetrated throughout history: hatred, destruction, antisemitism, and racism; all crimes against humanity. Open your eyes and use your brains! See the hypocrisy of groups that hide behind the 1stAmendment in the Bill of Rights even when they are preaching “Down with America!” If these groups promote the downfall of our Democratic Republic, why do they cover their illegal activities with the rights afforded all citizens as mentioned in the 1st Amendment in the U.S. Constitution?
  10. Henry Stern, Jacqui Irwin, Julia Bromley where are you in this fight for America? Your silence makes you complicit in these events.  

It is time to take a stand. 

Everyone should use their voices to combat these actions!

Tell them to do it now!

Contact info (email or call a.s.a.p.):

Hilda   (213) 974-4111

Holly Mitchell –  (213) 974-2222

Lindsey Horvath –  (213) 974-3333

Janice Hahn –  (213) 974-4444

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