BY LINDA SUTTER I call it pounding the pavement. It is hard work and...
Reporting the News as Accurately, Honestly and Fairly as possible
BY LINDA SUTTER I call it pounding the pavement. It is hard work and...
BY JAIME YARBROUGH For the last couple weeks I have occasionally helped support the...
BY KATHERINE KELLY I am one of the volunteers for the prop 218 water...
FRIDAY, Oct 11th: To defeat the water rate increase you must sign a protest letter....
OPINION BY DONNA WESTFALL I was sent this e-mail from my fluoride group which consists...
BY JOHN STETSON I’ve always been good with numbers. I didn’t realize how good I...
Davis City Council rejects fluoridation proposal – Yolo County News – The Sacramento Bee The...
BY KATHERINE KELLY There’s not a lot of controversy regarding the prop 218 water...