Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

August 8, 2017

Last week, Federal Court Judge Judge K. Muller, asked the Chief Magistrate to form a 3-judge panel to hear the case; Citizens for Fair Representation vs Secretary of State Alex Padilla.

In May, Citizens for Fair Representation (CFR) filed the lawsuit against the State of California, for lack of representation and dilution of vote. The lawsuit was filed on May 8, in the United States District Court, Eastern District, Sacramento Division.

The significance of of the three-judge panel is paramount, according to the legal team representing the CFR. Issues decided by three judge panels have the right to appeal directly to the United States Supreme Court. Mark Baird, one of the CFR spokespersons, said, “the case will ask important questions: Can one State Senator properly represent one million people? Can one State Assemblyman properly represent one-half million people.

Baird added, Californian’s have no representation in the state house. The lobbyists and the unions own California and we intend to put the people back in charge of the government through smaller districts where it is cheap and easy to get rid of an incumbent who fails to serve the people. California has the worst representation ratio in the United States and we will prove that to be unconstitutional.” Citizens for Fair Representation is supported by the people of 22 Northern California Counties.

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*Attention:  A large turnout is expected at the first ever Tri-County Rally and Town Hall on Thursday, August 17th, at 7 pm, at the Auburn Garden Theater, 350 Nevada Street, Auburn. This is hosted by the State of Jefferson County Committees for El Dorado, Nevada and Placer.

Guest speaker is Mark Baird, one of the spokespersons for Citizens for Fair Representation dba State of Jefferson.  There will be other guest speakers, who will offer information and updates about the process to achieve representation, plus proposed policies for the 51st State.

At the time this event was scheduled, there were no expectations that the Federal Judge would have moved forward with this action, that has now added to the celebration at the August 17th event. Mark Baird should be available for interviews around 6 pm. For more information or an interview, please call Mark Baird, 530-227-6729 or Terry Rapoza 530-246-9706.

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