Fri. Mar 28th, 2025 2:18:19 PM

By Annette Elliot – June 24, 2023

Clearing the Air at the Board of Directors Meeting of the California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW)

After the Impeached President Debacle

With Bank Accounts Secure and a Win in the Prevailing Lawsuit, It’s Time to Move Forward to the 2024 Election

Paso Robles, California, June 24, 2023 – The California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) held their annual Board of Directors (BOD) meeting at the quaint town of Paso Robles, CA. Over 70 members from up and down the state of California attended. The BOD was held to conduct organization business requiring a vote from the Board, update members on the state of CFRW with the pending lawsuit and start preparation for the 2024 election. Members were presented with a Treasurers Report giving the financial state of CFRW by Lydia Kanno, CFRW Treasurer. Kanno presented detailed CFRW financial documents as evidence in declaring CFRW is in a strong financial position moving forward.

Kanno went on to discuss treasury problems that arose after Janet Price was removed as CFRW President. Price tried to hijack the CFRW bank account and control use of the account by shutting out the CFRW Treasurer. Kanno detailed the difficulties she had to overcome to retrieve the CFRW bank account from Janet Price and Gretchen Cox trying to give it back to CFRW. Now that the bank account is secure with CFRW, Kanno declared that all CFRW finances were balanced and accounted for before and after the split in the organization.

“I was personally saddened when I was accused of mishandling funds from CFRW by Janet Price, the impeached CFRW President,” stated Kanno. I am extremely happy and relieved that I am exonerated by the truth and facts that are now finally out in the open.”

Mary Ervin, CFRW President, presided over the meeting at the Paso Robles Inn which included the following CFRW business:

  • Voting to approve the appointment of a nominating committee
  • Voting to install a new membership secretary, Gail Rego.
  • Conducting a Bylaws Boot Camp
  • Presenting a Membership Program
  • And wrapped up the meeting by instructing members on how to write press releases to reach out to the press.

CFRW is an affiliate organization of the National Federation of Republican Women. Clubs are located across the state from the Oregon to the Mexico borders. Our mission is to volunteer to get Republican candidates elected, educate the public on Republican ideas, and register Republicans to vote.

Annette Elliot is CFRW PR/Marketing Chair

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