Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

By Branden Bieber – June 28, 2024

Voters are being poled this November in what has become a continuous cycle of political
dysfunction. While voting will conclude in 5 months, the results will likely have NO impact in
leadership or policy. Considering the National Presidential Election is offering two geriatrics
embedded in controversy. Regardless who wins, America’s next President will likely increase
our National discourse and further divide Americans.

At the State level, ballot measures will be finalized June 27th. Likely to be on the ballot:

● Another Recall attempt of Governor Newsom
● A vote to modify Prop 47 (2014 measure aimed to reduce penalties of many crimes, and
lowering prison populations)
● A ballot measure allowing Local Governments the ability to regulate property rent control
● A Vote to decide another increase to the States ascending minimum wage.

At the local level:

*Petitions have been submitted to repeal Measure S, the City 1% sales tax.

*The School Board voted to put a $59 million bond on the ballot.

As wording on ballot measures are finalized, voters be cautious! Judges and lawyers have
become convoluted in social reform for profit, and makes the distinctions about the
consequences and intent of ballot measures obscure.

Inflation and crime continue increasing around the Country and are being propelled by Del Norte
County policy makers locked in correlation with California’s extreme legislation. As Governor
Newsom’s Administration has taken the State Budget from a surplus to a massive deficit in the
past three years, Del Norte County Board of Supervisors continue to endorse the Social Service
Sanctuary distinction that Newsom promotes. Shelter, nutrition, wellness, and wrap around
services are not human rights, their privileges. Privileges that have been taken from citizens by
Government, but not the responsibility of Government to provide. Yes, American History is
riddled with events that promoted Freedom for some, while stealing Freedom from others.

The purpose and illusion of Freedom is worth the pursuit. Without the concept of Freedom we
become impartial with limited opportunities and personal wellness dependent on others. With
Freedom (and manageable taxes) a society realizes the importance of accomplishing tasks,
promotes innovation, cultural advancement, and makes possibilities endless.

While progress is postponed for political power, do more than vote. Get involved! Contact your
representatives and express your thoughts. Tell them what’s good, what’s bad, and stay
persistent. Your engagement is more influential than your vote.

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