Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

By Donna Westfall – July 30, 2017 – So, on Friday, July 28th, I went in and asked Ofc. Pearcey to schedule me for visits on Saturday, Sunday and Monday – July 29, 30th, and 31st. He told me that I was all signed up for 3:30 on Saturday, and 12:30 on Sunday, but I’d have to come back in to sign up for Monday.

Today is Sunday.  Ofc. Downard said I wasn’t in the computer and therefore could not visit.  This is now the 3rd time I’ve been denied a visit and I’m beginning to think they’re doing this on purpose.

Officer Downard said she would not sign my form indicating she put me in for a Monday.  If I had an issue with her not signing, I could talk to her Commander – that would be Bill Steven.

Next step:  Contact Commander Steven with a copy to Sheriff Apperson and find out what’s going on.

One thought on “Continued problems with scheduling jail visits”
  1. I went in to make my visit and they told me someone was already also scheduled to see him and I said I know that is Donna Westfall and so when Donna went in on her scheduled time that we were both signed up for they did not let her in. They have for years been trying to make it impossible for Bryan to do anything to get any help to defend himself in any way

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