By Reform California – December 6, 2024
his week, Newsom called an “emergency” meeting of the Legislature to “Trump Proof” California to “protect citizens’ rights.” But given the Governor’s pattern of violating the constitution, Reform California Chairman and State Assemblymember Carl DeMaio turned the tables on the Governor by introducing a bill to “Newsom-Proof” California. Called the “Punish Unconstitutional Actions Act of 2025,” DeMaio’s bill will impose stiff penalties on the Governor and other state leaders when they are found to have violated the constitutional rights of citizens — cutting their pay by 25% each time they violate the constitution! Learn about the bill in our top story this week — plus, join the fight to help Reform California! |
Fight to Repeal California’s $2 Gas Tax

Californians already pay the highest gas prices in the nation, but the state gas tax just went up AGAIN on July 1st! And Gavin Newsom and state politicians are imposing other new costs that will soon spike our total gas tax to $2 per gallon!
Reform California and Carl DeMaio are waging a multi-pronged campaign to BLOCK this latest gas tax hike!
The campaign seeks to immediately cap California’s gas tax to not exceed the national average – and immediately provide every driver with a $1000 rebate because California politicians engaged in predatory price-gouging with their costly gas taxes.
Your help is needed for this proposal to advance – both by electing legislators to support it as well as forcing this issue through initiatives on the ballot!
Californians can’t afford a $2 per gallon gas tax! Contribute whatever you can TODAY to the fight!
CONTRIBUTE: Support “Gas Tax Repeal & Rebate”
Carl DeMaio is a California Assemblyman and founder of Reform California
Question why can’t we get rid of Newsom? I will sign any petition I see or hear about, we need a person who will think of California first. Newsom please move to New York. You have made our state so expensive people have to count pennies while you live high on the hog. How dare you?