Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

By Donna Westfall – March 6, 2017 – With attendance growing, Bob Berkowitz’s Daily Town Hall Meeting is now taking place in the banquet room of the newly remodeled Fisherman’s Restaurant.

A long term friend from Southern California sent this via Facebook.  “Discussions are always better than arguments, because an argument is to find out who is right, and a discussion is to find out what is right.”

It was a toss up in the mornings meeting whether it could be called a discussion or an argument. Voices were raised. Lines were drawn. The best that could be accomplished was to try to keep an open mind. The issue:  How to work with someone you think is (a liar, unethical, biased, petty)? Take your pick.

Principles above personalities.  If someone sits on a government board, it’s always smart to figure out what issues you have in common before it comes up on the agenda.  That doesn’t mean that back-room deals are being made.  It simply means that you explore what that person stands for in terms of what they want to see accomplished during their term in office.

Other subjects tossed around the table:

Hybrid cars.  Dave S. Prius owner, loves his car.  It’s his 2nd in 11 years.

Can a complaint be sent to the current Grand Jury about a previous Grand Jury?  What can be done if someone suspects some Grand Jurors of corruption, manipulation, intimidation and bullying? Can the issue be brought before the City Council and BOS and put on the agenda since they have to answer the Grand Jury reports?

Is it possible to combine and merge the Crescent City Police Department with the Sheriff’s Department?  Merging the City and County Fire Departments took two years.

How soon can a recall be initiated?  Answer: 90 days after being sworn in.

One opinion of clearing brush from the forest,  per Clint B: “US Forest service is doing a miserable job.  Used to be you could go in and take out firewood to help clear the area and prevent forest fires.”

Is Trump’s agenda really to defund the Department of Education and the EPA?

What can be done if an elected official violates their oath of office? This was brought up in regards to Sup. Hemmingsen abstaining from voting on Last Chance Grade and SB54.

Roger G reported: The Explorer Scouts Award ceremony was touching and inspiring watching two young men, Daniel Standring and Collin Marsh receive their awards.  Very fine, upstanding young men.

Are Park Rangers out of control with their guns?  Does Sheriff Apperson have the power to tell them to put their guns away?

How do you get rid of the California Coastal Commission?  Voting them out may be the only solution.  They were voted in back in 1972.  It’s time to reduce their over-reaching, power and authority.

Roger G. mentioned CalOre Life Flights are down to 473 for 2016.  They were up to over 800 flights in 2014.  One reason may be that Sutter Coast Hospital is acting more and more like an acute care hospital and is taking care of patients in-house instead of having them fly out.

And, of course, Last Chance Grade is slipping.  Latest news: Caltrans reports losing 10 feet.  The retaining wall is failing.  There’s now a one lane road 18 feet wide.

You can be a part of the exchange. Offer ideas.  Bring your opinions. Ask questions. Open to all.  6 am to 7 am Monday through Saturday at the Fisherman’s Restaurant.











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