How comforting it was, albeit so briefly, to allow that kind lady from the Crescent City Council to take my hand and walk me down the yellow brick road toward that gleaming Emerald City on the horizon. I was just beginning to see ,with her aid, how my acceptance of simplistic notions offered by notion-makers has dulled my decision-making power for a long time. The concept of basically rural California withdrawing from the State of California was the example she used to paint the picture of me and my bleary eyed companions as we slogged dull witted toward that proffered simplistic answer to Northern California’s problem of tweaked representation. But I was rudely awakened by her next statement explaining the workings of the democracy we are a part of. I seemed to recall my senior high school year civics class teacher( of 60 years ago) firmly implanting the distinction in my mind of the difference between a Republic (which is what America is )and a democracy which is what we are not. It occurs to me that an elected official ,in swearing an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States preparatory to assuming the duties to which he, or she was elected really should know which form of government they have sworn allegiance to. In reciting the Pledge of Allegiance I wonder if Ms. Murray recites “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the democracy for which it stands”…?
I do agree with Katherine Murray when she states that some of the proponents of the withdrawal from California into a newly consolidated state with representation that is more reflective of non-urban areas also oppose raising municipal water rates. That’s a given. And yes, I agree that a replacing of deteriorating pipes, valves and fittings will be a necessity in the future. Of course, that would not be a vexing problem at this stage if those clear thinking leaders of the past had not introduced hydrofluorosilicic acid/fluoride (HFSA) into the water supply and allowed it to continue for 44 years. It is known that the junk additive is highly corrosive. We should all be grateful for the efforts of those clear thinking and dedicated voters that expended so much effort in nudging Measure A (to remove HFSA until our supplier supplied much needed information; which they have not done for the past 11 months so far) past the goal post.
I predict that those ratepayers that will most oppose the increase are those who can least afford to have more money taken out of their paychecks, i.e. those lucky enough to have jobs in these hard economic times. I encourage all such ratepayers who are going to be hardest hit in the purse and pocketbook to join hands with the organized efforts of those who are gathering signatures of like minded citizens.
How easy it is for financially better situated pols and affluent rate payers to sermonize to the less fortunate among us about “simplistic notions” and imply that by disagreeing with the decision makers that we are dull in our decision-making powers. We share in one thing and that is paying their blinkin’ salaries.