Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

By Linda Sutter – January 26, 2023

On January 25, Wednesday evening at 5 p.m. the 41st DAAand Parks and Recreation District held a joint meeting workshop for 2 ½ hours discussing the budget.

At the workshop there was discussion on raising rates for gate entry to the fair. Since this was a workshop no resolution or ordinance was set to change these factors at this time.  What was revealed at the workshop was nothing short of highway robbery with little to no compassion from the board members.

The gate entrance fees will go up to $15.00 just to walk into the fair. Those with exhibits will pay $30.00 for wristbands for 4 days.  A Discounted livestock wristband will cost $10.00 for four  days. 

When the boards began to talk about camping one board member said, “This is where we can gouge them because we know they will pay. There will be 20 spots for $150.00.” It was not clear as if that was for all four days or daily. 

Exhibitors  for Concessions will pay $40 per day.

Livestock parking will be $20 for 4 days.

Food Concessions will be raised 2 % making it 22% to pay to the fair. 

No raise for Alcohol

Entry fees for small animals will be $5 per animal. Stall fees will be $5 for small animals like goats, pigs, sheep, chickens, rabbits. Large animals fees will be $10.

The Comment, “Let’s Hammer them”, was made by Megan Curtis, a board member. She believes in sticking it to the fairgoers regardless of whether anyone can afford it or not. Her philosophy is, “If the demand is there we can hammer them.” 

There was discussion regarding the Horse Stalls. $50,000 per year goes to the maintenance  of the horse barn, the arena, and the outdoor arena without generating revenue to support that expenditure. John Pritchitt suggested that we delete the entire Horse barn, Horse stalls and arenas and find other uses for them because the fair can no longer afford to support that aspect of the fairgrounds.

The most sad part of the meeting was when they were discussing entertainment. One member stated we should just hire Disturbing the Peace for a concert. In other words folks, they are increasing all fees, and want to give a show that is not worthy of the fee increase. John Pritchitt stated, “We can hire the midgets for wrestling.” People would come to see that.

Other discussions involved updating appliances in the kitchens, slapping on some paint in the big room, charging $2 per chair and $2 per table used, in order to raise the rent to $1,000

Discussion brought to light that the grandstand area where people sit was condemned and that area is getting replaced for $500,000. Was not clear if the state was paying for that or if the Fair District was paying for that.

Sabrina Renner wanted to use the excuse, “Let’s tell them everything is going up,” for the reason for all the rate increases. 

  1. That seems to be the working title for all public agencies in the County. Same service at twice the price.

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