Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

By Guest Columnist, Michael Ceremello – January 25, 2018 –

I supposed, similar to a rare few who question what we believe on a constant basis, that the views expressed in my previous work might somehow be refuted or proven incorrect.  I didn’t have to even wait a week.  The “parroting” of the incoherent, incohesive, and discombobulated amongst us appeared in the same issue.  Given that nothing changes the minds of ideologues, which was also proven with another episode of Meet the Parrot Press, I will give you my direct critique intended to enlighten the unilluminated.

A letter to the editor appeared in both local papers written by a friend of mine.  Speaking to this person one on one would give you the impression that he is logical, intelligent, and thoughtful.  His printed word tells a different story.

Basically, the accusation against President Trump is that he has acted beneath the office through his language and bipolar actions.  Evidently, Trump’s acumen at the “art of the deal” escapes this person.  There is one simple word for it: strategy.

I find it interesting Trump gets called out on his approach to North Korea.  Rather than blame the appeasers, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, this person fails in his own hypocrisy as he evidently had no problem with Obama directly lying, saying he was Christian then having crosses covered while speaking at Georgetown University.

But this is more of the same distractive nonsense we get weekly from the mass media.  Some are gullible enough to believe it.  Rather than stopping at this point of inconsequentiality, the author proceeds to jump on the three wheeled bandwagon of removal from office on the basis of incompetence.  Have you ever looked up the 25th Amendment or researched it to find out why it was put in place?

This information does not matter to those intent on carrying out a coup against the government.  It has about as much weight as calls by Maxine Waters and her “tribe” for impeachment.  Sorry, but foul language or policy which doesn’t agree with your views of “right and wrong” are not grounds for anything but gnashing of teeth.

The 25th Amendment in its section 3 states:

Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.

Sorry folks but I don’t think this, Trump writing to both houses of Congress, is going to happen anytime in my lifetime.  Wasn’t it the wonderful Woodrow Wilson who had a heart attack and his wife and doctor hid it from the public and world?  Guess different rules apply when you are a progressive anti-Constitution ruler of the free world.

The part of the amendment on which most concentrate is section 4:

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

Now this is where it gets Hollywood type interesting.  I can see the movie title now, The New Banana Republic.  So let’s see if we can figure this out.

It would take BOTH the Vice President AND the majority of his cabinet to take Trump’s presidency from him.  Do you now see why it is so dangerous to oppose the status quo and even more crazy to empanel your Cabinet with those of the Establishment on either side of the aisle?  Again, this is not going to happen unless George Soros dumps a whole lot of bribes on people who can be corrupted.

Then we have the aspect that even if it occurred, Trump could deny the allegations and it would go to both houses of Congress to “decide”.  Do you actually think either and both groups would agree by a 2/3 majority to take the office from Trump?  They can’t even decide on any bill except by bare majority.

The letter to the editor is “whistling in the wind”.  Nothing to see.  Time to move along.  Next time, think before you speak … or write.

* * * * *

Again, I am considering my “Stand Up For What Is Right” quote after recognizing the diametrically opposed constituencies in our Republic.  I decided to find out who is attributed with this quote.  My poster has a Biblical quote beneath the main so I thought it might have been stated in that tome.

So far, I have only been able to find one person who claims the work is hers.  That would be Suzy Kassem who is a poet, writer, philosopher and filmmaker.  While I would grant her that she has more than likely popularized the quote in one of the many forms to which she also lays claim and my curiosity was my focus and not the notoriety, logically I am having a hard time accepting her ownership.

Suzy Kassem was born on Dec 1, 1975 in Toledo, Ohio.  Her website has copyright dates of 2008 to 2016.  My poster has been hanging over my desk since the early 1990’s. While it is possible she could have written it when she was 15, I have to wonder who grabbed it and put it on a religious poster?

I have no desire to question Ms. Kassem’s veracity.  Recent history has proven when many minds are working on important issues of the day, they simultaneously or contemporaneously “discover” truths.  What I found worthwhile was exploring her thought patterns and opinions.

I believe I have already questioned this quote on the basis of taking the quote at face value … what is right, who gets to determine it?  After reviewing a lengthy statement at her website of Truth is Crying My Political Stance by Suzy Kassem, I pulled the following quotes for commentary:

“I see the whole political system as a useless maze designed to confuse the public.”   “What does it really mean to be conservative or liberal? And if you are conservative, does that mean you will blindly agree with every leader and issue brought forth by your team? … And when you say you are ‘conservative’, what are you really ‘conserving’?”

Much as I say the “Devil is in the Details” as to the basic quote, I would say the same for her first one here.  It is a useless maze in the manner to which it has been perverted over the last 100 years.  We have developed an aristocracy of politics by name and club membership.  There were no life long politicians before this.  You served your country and got out.

Kassem’s questions are valid ones and proves her thoughtfulness but there already are answers, perhaps not to her satisfaction, of these likewise confusing and maddening terms.  On the surface, liberals never seem to stray from their chosen path of ideology, while conservatives can’t seem to agree on much at all.

What are you really conserving?  Try the Constitution, its principles and the ideals derived from the preface to the Declaration of Independence.

Kassem’s political stance is like many who don’t want to be stereotyped or pigeon holed.  Division is her angst.  Kassem wants us all playing on the same team and all of the World to get along.  Nice thought but is it accomplishable reality?

I would agree with Suzy Kassem on one point: “A good leader lays seeds to grow trees of peace. A bad leader lays down bricks to build walls of ignorance. Always choose the peacemaker, not the divider. The one who unites and strengthens a country, not divides and cripples it. A leader that will build bridges, not walls.”  However, her figurative interpretation of this opposed to my literal one is where we would differ.

The Israelis had to build a wall.  Leaders take decisive action to protect those they serve.  When the haters are gone, then there is no necessity for the wall.  I wait for that to happen.  And a good leader can build both but does not put up walls for no reason.

On the figurative aspect, I couldn’t agree more.  However, you must be able to understand the why and wherefore in actions of our current and past presidents to see who fits the positive or negative appellation.  You don’t lay the seeds of peace by forcibly taking from others.  Theft includes anything of value including historical statuary.

Again, to me there is a very simple, libertarian way to understand the quote.  What is right is easily discerned.  What is right does not take from others by force in any manner.  What is right is productive, not destructive.  What is right does not force others to conform to a “vision” of reality.  What is right is freedom, freedom to choose, freedom to be who you are, freedom with no limitations.  What is right is not control.

This is the basic problem with government, politics, and society in the US.  It is about control and not freedom.  Until we all have respect for each other and allow politics to change according to the voiced will of the People, we remain chained to the control of the Washington swamp.

I do not see this happening soon …


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