Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

By Roger Gitlin- Eye On Del Norte – August 25, 2021

For those of you who thought the recent Crescent Fire Protection District election, narrowing passing a questionable property tax increase on improved parcels was a done deal, think again.

Those opposing this election are poised to act.

An individual with multiple single family properties within the District has written the CFPD, expressing his extreme disappointment and objection to the unfairness where multi-family apartment owners were given weighted ballots and a maximum assessment of only $1000. Individual single family property owners are assessed a minimum of $98, based on square footage.

The property owner who wrote the District shall remain anonymous until the Fire Board formally acknowledges his letter and demands.”….

Without going into the rationale as to why, we believe there is sufficient basis for a lawsuit and injuction…”

He continues, “This is not something we want to do, if a reasonable solution can be reached. The weighting and capping rationale utilized discriminated against and excluded owners of SFR parcels within the District that would have qualified for the $1000 cap which was extended to multi-family complexes and commercial buildings. There is a need for a steering committee to be made up of citizens of the District as well Fire District personnel to ensure private citizens have input on issues affecting the District. Hopefully these issues can be resolved without further action. “.

The Next CFPD meeting is scheduled via Zoom.

Monday, September 13, time yet to determined.

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