Wed. Feb 5th, 2025

By Angry Old American

Copyright, Angry Old American, July 31st, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

When the Cat’s away, the Rats will play. Since the Pandemic was declared, both the Governments of Crescent City and Del Norte County have been unfettered by rooms full of alert Citizens. Without us unwanted pests in the room, they have had carte blanche powers to enact any bone-headed irresponsible legislation that enters their pointy little noggins.

Important decisions are being made that effect every member of this community and only a tiny fraction of citizens voice their opinions at the televised meetings. These decisions can make or break our local economy and send us all into bankruptcy if we don’t get involved immediately.

Our local news media does little to report what our local government is doing. Instead of inquiring minds attending these meetings, we find a glee club of Social Justice Marxists and big-government spending supporters. Your community needs to hear the voice of Reason. Your community needs YOU!

For those out of the loop, our Crescent City Council just voted on July 20th for an additional 1% sales tax increase in the middle of a pandemic when businesses and employees in the private sector face bankruptcy. This was done right after adding 27 impoverished families’ delinquent water and sewer bills to County Real Estate Tax Board for foreclosure. Good job City Council; struggling private sector home-owners in your community cannot even afford to pay water and sewer bills because of your mandatory Pandemic shut-down and you foreclose on their homes. At the same time you approve funding for a brand-new Trail to serve all the tourists that are not arriving because of the Pandemic closure. The Trail funding cost about as much as the total delinquent water and sewer bills that were sent for foreclosure. I hope you all watch the recording of this meeting and see how callously they flush the homes and futures of 27 solid-citizen families down the toilet and immediately contract to build a totally unnecessary trail. This could happen to any of us, and most probably will if we do not take action now.

At the same meeting, the City Council voted to require existing businesses to submit distancing plans and additional insurance to benefit the City before they are allowed to reopen during the Pandemic. Plus one Councilman wanted inspections and severe enforcement penalties for any business that does not meet City Council criteria! Wonderful job City Council; you will eliminate free enterprise from this City altogether. It seems that is the plan; everybody works for the government or not at all! Then Junior Flip and the Globetrotters will have absolute power over every member of the community. Government of the Government, for the Government and financed by the People. Just look at the Model Utopia of San Francisco to glimpse our own future. We can have rioters, looters, vandals, arsonists and streets choked with homeless vagrants too. That is what California Communism is all about!

Of course, the County Board of Supervisors are doing just as good a job. Because of a flurry of calls from a handful of “entitled” Marxist Social Democrat shills, two of the Board’s RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) have vowed to silence the sole consistent conservative voice in their midst. Kudos to Supervisor Gitlin for having the guts to speak his mind. Agree with him or not; but everyone has a right to free speech at a public forum; even if that speech offends the “sensitive” and frail psyches of today’s Cancel-Culture Communist! Of course, these pseudo-intellectual indoctrinated mockingbirds were “morally justified” to throw every pretentious derogatory epithet toward Supervisor Gitlin, short of labeling him a “Baby-Seal Clubber” and “Endangered Whale Harpooner!” Expect a motion to censure this lone voice in this next meeting; either forwarded or seconded by a pair of Socialists masquerading as Republicans.

Democrats are well-represented in both of these meetings. Every stripe of the Party from Marxist Socialists to Maoist Cultural Revolutionaries are represented. However, there are hardly any conservative comments. Why? Because those few comments that are voiced from the Right Wing are either ignored, tolerated with open contempt or criticized and shut-down entirely as irrelevant.

I place much of the blame on our local Chapter of the Republican Party. They have harbored a bunch of Left-leaning RINOs for many decades. Their history includes supporting a litany of Socialist causes like Fluoridation and now they go so far as to support Social Justice Socialism. We need a New Republican Party for Del Norte County. Why should Democrats be allowed to masquerade as Republicans and use our contributions to achieve public office? Let them run on the Democrat ticket and the Democrats can pay for their campaigns. We need to support authentic conservative Republican representatives ONLY!

If the hard-working average law-abiding members of this community do not act soon, we will lose Del Norte County altogether. The forces of entitlement in the absence of personal responsibility and accountability are winning. Soon, with the adoption of Proposition 16 which repeals the State’s Civil Rights Act, our local government will be allowed to openly silence and discriminate against any conservative voice that they choose.

To familiarize yourselves with the new televised meetings, you can access past local government meetings available on YouTube. Simply go the County and City archived meetings website and you will find links to the recorded meetings. I encourage you to do this before they are deleted. You can also participate in live meetings directly with the video Zoom application, by public comment email, or send a comment through the US Mail and request that it be read during the meeting. You will find a partial meeting agenda, Zoom download link, websites and addresses listed at the end of this article. Share this article with friends, family, neighbors and associates. Print this page and distribute it to others in the community. Spread the word and encourage others to become active.

Many of you have been barred from working by mandated business closures and are shut in your homes. Perhaps you, or someone you know, are severely challenged and enduring the financial pain of this pandemic. Some might even be on the list of water-bill foreclosures. Express your dismay with your delusional, out-of-touch, elitist, cold-blooded, predatory Representatives in Public Office. Lend your voice to balance the Antifa, Black Lives Matter Movement, Marxist and Maoist voices of the Radical Left. Express your shock about select public employees receiving nearly $200,000 annual wages while the private sector goes bankrupt. Show your displeasure about your Neighbor’s being foreclosed-on while your play-baby representatives fund new Trails and take exotic vacations at public expense. Give your opinion about new mandates for existing businesses to apply mountains of paperwork to the City to reopen. Please tune into the local meetings and participate. Encourage all your family, friends and neighbors to do the same; especially those who are facing ruin because of these reckless and incompetent government leaders. If using US Mail or email, be sure to specify that your written opinions are “public comments” to be “read aloud” during their meeting. They DO NOT want your voice heard! Sign and circulate petitions to support recalls of malicious politicians and support legislation to stop local government predation. Our very survival as a free-enterprise Republic and as a Free People is at stake!

We Need YOU! We really NEED YOU NOW!!

Schedule of Upcoming Meetings:

August 3rd, 2020 at 6PM

Crescent City Council

August 11th, 2020 at 10AM

Board of Supervisors

August 17th, 2020 at 6PM

Crescent City Council

August 25th, 2020 at 10AM

Board of Supervisors

September 7th, 2020 at 6PM

Crescent City Council

September 8th, 2020 at 10AM

Board of Supervisors

Where to View Archived Meetings:

Board of Supervisors

Crescent City Council

Where to Tune Into the Live Meetings:

Download Zoom:

Zoom Meeting Links:

Board of Supervisors

Crescent City Council


County Board of Supervisors Public Comment Form:

City Council Public Comment Email Address:

Physical Addresses and Telephone Numbers:

Board of Supervisors

981 H Street, Suite 200

Crescent City, CA 95531

(707) 464-7204

Crescent City Council

City Hall

377 J St.

Crescent City, CA 95531


Express your dismay about Democrat RINOs using local Republican financial resources to run for office. Demand that these RINO representatives be sued for misrepresentation and wasting both your contributions and votes.

Republican National Committee (GOP)


PO Box 916
Crescent City, CA 95531



California Republican National Committee

Phone: 916-448-9496

Fax: 818-841-6668

1121 L St., Suite 207

Sacramento, CA 95814

President Trump:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414

Be brave and stand up to these big-government bullies before Proposition 16 goes into effect and you lose your civil rights to speak altogether. Chances are good that the Crescent City Times will be silenced along with every other public forum in California that allows the conservative voice to be heard. These big-government predators are destroying your community and the lives of your neighbors. Soon they will come for YOU and your family too. Don’t let their open contempt dissuade you. Be strong. Together we can make a difference. The more of us that voice our opinions, the more impact we will make. Remember, election time is quickly approaching. Be informed and learn first-hand who the bad guys are so you can vote them out in November!


Angry Old American

One thought on “For Your Own Survival- Get Involved!”
  1. Please take the time to read and Digest what ANGRY OLD AMERICAN wrote in Crescent City Times …. I had to read it more then once because there was so much information to try to DIGEST! Please read this and ask question and make remarks so Angry Old American keeps on Contributing to Donna’s Newspaper what he says is spot on in my opinion! We all need to start Participating in what’s happening in our Community don’t just go along with the flow without questioning everything they are demanding that we participating in! Don’t just go along with the flow … think about how everything affects you and your loved ones and make rational decisions! we are so lucky to be living in Crescent City … the ocean the rivers the trees the wonderful weather we are so LUCKY!

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