Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

By Donna Westfall – November 6, 2023

Did you know that once a month you could go to Rural Human Services (RHS) in Crescent City and pick up boxes of food?

First you have to register by filling out their Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) Participant Application and fall within certain income guidelines.

Be aware that the CSFP form includes this, “Commodities are for my personal home use, not to be sold, traded, or given away.” And then you have to check the “yes” or “no” box. I don’t understand this since some people don’t like everything they box up. What? Are you supposed to throw it away if you don’t consume it?

Then on Wednesdays and Thursdays, twice a month in Crescent City, RHS is open at 286 M Street between the hours of 9am and 2 pm. Remember, you can only go once a month.

Actually they have distribution sites in 1.) Smith River, Fort Dick, 2.) Gasquet, Hiouchi, 3.) Klamath and Klamath Glen and 4.) Crescent City.

When you go into RHS, they will hand you a colorful calendar showing which dates to go into the different distribution sites, along with the CSFP form.

Here’s an example of some of the boxes:

Quick Oats, cans of white chicken, Creamy Peanut Butter canned pears, unsweetened applesauce, mixed vegetables, package of spaghetti, apple juice, canned black beans, diced pears, spaghetti sauce, quarts of 1% low fat milk, American pasteurized cheese and packages of rice.

Good to know that if you qualify you don’t have to go hungry.

2 thoughts on “FREE Senior Food Boxes”
  1. Spell check: There is only one “n” in Klamath Glen and no apostrophe is needed for Wednesdays and Thursdays since they are plural and not possessive.

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