Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

By Linda Sutter

Today was the 5th semi-annual Veterans Event held at the Veterans Hall on H Street in Crescent City, California. Parked in front of the Veterans Hall was the Veterans Mobile Center run by Josh Mathews of Grants Pass. “ What we offer is a chance for veteran’s to come in and have direct contact with their physicians via video tele conferencing in a private confidential setting. We can offer counselling to veterans where there is no veteran center.”

Greeting the Veterans and having them sign in was Republican Woman JanMartin and Republican Woman Cora Jones.

Free haircuts were offered by Jennie Thompson of Spencer’s Barber Shop.  She offers free haircuts to vets on Memorial Day and all out of town travelers who have served our country in the Military.

Local Roots and Salon provided a salon chair free, where Jennie placed her clients. Jennie also offers a Cancer Program where she will shave your heads free of charge and for those who come unprepared she gives scarves and hats to. She is in the process of offering wigs for sale. What prompted her to give back to the community she loves, is that she noticed some of her clients were struggling to make ends meet and were cancer patients. “I noticed no one was willing to help in our community so I stepped up to the plate. I have been blessed in my life time and want to return those blessings to those who are not as fortunate as me. I plan to be back again next year and provide this free service to our Military.”

VA Representatives from Roseburg Oregon, Charity McSperitt and Meredith Concepcion provided information for Military Sexual Trauma, which not only affects women, but more men than women.

Antonio Hernandez promoting OPEN DOOR COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER, which includes medical, dental, mental health and drug and alcohol programs.

Glenn Johnson from Denver Colorado represented two programs.

1.) CHAMPVA program which is healthcare for disabled veterans and their dependents, and

2.) A Foreign Healthcare Program for disabled veterans who travel or live overseas. This is a service connected disability provider.

Glenn Johnson was invited out here by the Veterans last year. While here he also visited the veterans associated with the Tribal Rancheria in Smith River. “This year I decided to come out on my own.”

Jon Cornett is from Roseville California. He offered USAA Public Relations and Education for insurance providing for Military personnel. Jon was quite the character and apparently lived in Del Norte County years ago telling me of the Tusnami story of two gentlemen who rode the waves that particular day. One made it and one did not, but the one who made it lived to tell the story. Jon also offered me a thing-a-ma-jig to disconnect nuclear war heads. But informed me I needed dental floss to make it work. Well Jon, I thank you, I will get on you tube and see how it is done, but would not want to attempt it myself.

Both gentlemen were my favorites as they liked to pull your leg with their stories, and of course both were very handsome and in great shape which I contribute to being disciplined military men.

There were many tables set up within the Veterans hall:

*  Theresa Zwan of Rural Human Services work force center.

*  Matt Larson Support Living Service, who helps with intellectually disabled.

*  Laneda Hope, DHHS, Health and alcohol and other drugs, we help military in crisis and get them to the veterans.

*  Ron Wormuth specializing in Drug and Alcohol programs

*  Paul Ronjoin and Donna Wheeler who represented Health and Human Services.

A special thanks goes out to Chris Thorpe who organized the 5th semi-annual resource day event. “Our office is here to file claims of disability or survivor claims. We provide group counseling once a week on Thursdays at 2 p.m. We are also trying to get started a drop in center where veterans can come in get coffee and talk with other veterans; and we currently have a garden project on the south side of our building that we started two years ago for vets to come help with pest control and grow their own food if they like. We have a small food pantry for those vets who need food, clothing, sundry kits as well as ponchos andsleeping bags.  We plan to host this resource event again in October or November and will notify Crescent City of the exact date once it is determined.”

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