Fri. Feb 28th, 2025
4 thoughts on “GRAND JURY FINAL REPORT 2022-2023”
  1. Well said Linda. However, we seldom have enough worthy candidates to vote for. Micks ran uncontested. Nobody else wanted the job of District Attorney. Good Ole Boy money continues to rule both local Democrat and Republican Parties for endorsements, and their cash controls media advertisements. Potential candidates not connected to our local white collar organized crime group know that they will be targets of character assassination and trumped-up legal charges from city and county consiglieres. We cannot blame them for not running for office when much of the corrupt, gutless, fat-dumb-and-happy voters are bureaucrats who likewise benefit from local corruption. I personally don’t believe our local City and County Governments can be salvaged. Fire the whole lot of them and start from scratch. World War II veterans returned home to Athens Tennessee and found it run by an organized crime political machine. Read about the 1946 Battle of Athens. Did these combat veterans vote them out? No; when the powers-that-be cheated in the election, the town rallied together and kicked them out!

    We have much to learn from the Athens Tennessee incident. Athens was ruled by a well established corrupt political machine run by E.H. Crump of Memphis. Crump controlled elections through ballot manipulation and diluting legitimate votes with those of unregistered voters. In California, does this sound familiar? We have ballot harvesting, questionable voter ID procedures, and during the 2020 Newsom Recall election had “Print-At-Home Ballots.” During our elections, what percentage of ballots are rejected? There have been incidents where our local government learned that it was losing an election, and quickly sent employees out to harvest enough votes to win just before the deadline.

    I have no faith in the residents of Del Norte County. There is no sense of community any longer. You are either a member of the government ruling elite or disenfranchised servants. They drove out private industry and agriculture decades ago, and now they are whittling down the middle class. 35 years ago a majority of our County residents owned their homes; now a vast majority are renters, with one landlord owning over 1,000 properties. What I encounter today are mostly whipped dogs cowering from their master’s next beating; afraid to bite the hand that feeds them. That goes equally for Local, State and Federal Governments. This Grand Jury exposure is important. However, there is little that can be done when the Judicial System on all levels is on the take. California is a lawless State, both on the streets and in government.

    God help us all.

  2. Well said Linda. However, we seldom have enough worthy candidates to vote for. Micks ran uncontested. Nobody else wanted the job of District Attorney. Good Ole Boy money continues to rule both local Democrat and Republican Parties for endorsements, and their cash controls media advertisements. Potential candidates not connected to our local white collar organized crime group know that they will be targets of character assassination and trumped-up legal charges from city and county consiglieres. We cannot blame them for not running for office when much of the corrupt, gutless, fat-dumb-and-happy voters are bureaucrats who likewise benefit from local corruption. I personally don’t believe our local City and County Governments can be salvaged. Fire the whole lot of them and start from scratch. World War II veterans returned home to Athens Tennessee and found it run by an organized crime political machine. Read about the 1946 Battle of Athens. Did these combat veterans vote them out? No; when the powers-that-be cheated in the election, the town rallied together and kicked them out!

    We have much to learn from the Athens Tennessee incident. Athens was ruled by a well established corrupt political machine run by E.H. Crump of Memphis. Crump controlled elections through ballot manipulation and diluting legitimate votes with those of unregistered voters. In California, does this sound familiar? We have ballot harvesting, questionable voter ID procedures, and during the 2020 Newsom Recall election had “Print-At-Home Ballots.” During our elections, what percentage of ballots are rejected? There have been incidents where our local government learned that it was losing an election, and quickly sent employees out to harvest enough votes to win just before the deadline.

    I have no faith in the residents of Del Norte County. There is no sense of community any longer. You are either a member of the government ruling elite or disenfranchised servants. They drove out private industry and agriculture decades ago, and now they are whittling down the middle class. 35 years ago a majority of our County residents owned their homes; now a vast majority are renters, with one landlord owning over 1,000 properties. What I encounter today are mostly whipped dogs cowering from their master’s next beating; afraid to bite the hand that feeds them. That goes equally for Local, State and Federal Governments. This Grand Jury exposure is important. However, there is little that can be done when the Judicial System on all levels is on the take. California is a lawless State, both on the streets and in government.

    God help us all.

  3. First and Foremost a sincere thank you goes out to all of those people who served this Grand Jury. The honesty displayed in this report was compelling. It demonstrates and reflects the complete incompetence of our elected. The failures ride on those who thought they could serve this community well but instead failed miserably.

    There is absolutely no excuse for how the Jail is run. The former Sheriff Eric Apperson was lazy, literally allowed the jail to be destroyed due to lazy untrained staff. I don’t know if Pelican Bay can be hired to step in and provide training as well as professional work ethic to these people who run the jail, but I certainly would ask. As far as our current Sheriff, He needs to become a bit more strict. His boot needs to go up some rear ends for not taking the initiative to keep this facility as a clean orderly facility.

    As far as IT problems, somebody needs to put IT in check, dude gets paid to do a job, start doing it instead of eating zoos zoos and wham whams.
    In my opinion money can’t fix the lack of staff problems. Money can fix the facility but if staff don’t keep it up then we are back to what it is now.

    Klamath Fire District comes as no surprise. No accountability there. Who is responsible for that? Board of Supervisors. The current Board of Supervisors is probably the worse we have had in the last 15 years. You have Darrin Short who receives large payments from a fire district yet he supports anything that is unlawful and corrupt. He himself does not follow the Brown Act, so when you have supervisors who get away with not following the Brown act and a District Attorney who won’t enforce the Brown Act, Whalla. We have a society run by idiots who believe the law was meant for we the people but not for them. You know kind of like the current Biden and Newsom administration. Here is what will happen to this dysfunctional fire department. Klamath will burn down. When it does who will be held accountable? I’m surprised people have fire insurance in Klamath. Especially when the fire department has few volunteers due to the politics of Klamath.

    Lastly, our emphasis Do Nothing District Attorney. Were the Grand Jury members surprised when she didn’t call them back or provide them with any documentation? Were you surprised that victims are taunted by their assailants because the District Attorney doesn’t do her job? This is another example of what the prison calls LOP (lazy overpaid people). You can’t change a tigers stripes. Katherine Micks doesn’t show up to work half the time. But you can find her at home.

    So let’s place all this together and ask the question. Is it worth voting for people who blatantly disregard professionalism? Who blatantly disregard how this County appears to other counties? Who blatantly disregard our well being in how we live, work, and raise a family? Folks this was one of the most honest reports I have ever read. Isn’t it time we start taking a little more pride in who we elect, by taking a chance on new blood that is not full of themselves like the current Board of Supervisors or City Council or District Attorney?

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