Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

By Roger Gitlin – EYE ON DEL NORTE – April 12, 2022

Some will groan when I bring this subject to public attention.

The poorly-maintained curbs, gutters and sidewalks rampant with ugly weed growth about the City is no big deal. I think it’s a big deal. Appearance is everything.

Why have sidewalks at all if City Ordinances 8.08.020 (Prohibited Nuisances) and 12.16.040 (Weed maintenance around curbs, gutters and sidewalks) aren’t going to be enforced. Apparently, the definition of a noxious weed must exceed 12 inches. We go through through this dance every year. Indeed there is no shortage of weeds from 1″ up to 11″ inches that push the negative appearance meter.

Last year. I spoke with City Manager Eric Wier why the postcard reminder for folks to maintain their curbs, gutters, sidewalks, four feet into City streets is no longer being sent out. The answer from the City Manager was a lack of money. The 13% increase in 1% City Sales Tax Measure should have addressed this issue. Apparently, these weeds failed to attract City attention.

For the last several months, often appearing during Public Comments, I have asked Mayor Jason Greenough and the Council to remind City property owners to take care of this maintenance issue. Manager Wier at a February meeting this year suggested placing the reminder on the City Water/Sewer bills.

Good idea.

It’s almost May and I just received my latest Water/Sewer statement.

Nothing !

The weeds and noxious growth look terrible and speak poorly of our community.

If the Ordinance needs to be amended, place it on the Agenda and fix it.

There’s still zero reason a postcard or message on City water bills cannot include that reminder.

The curbs, gutters sidewalks, into the street look terrible Mr. Mayor and City Manager Wier.

Do something about it, now!!!

2 thoughts on “GROAN!”
  1. A large number of county and city employees are vastly overpaid.
    Make them earn their pay–change their job description and equip them with weed-eaters and hand tools.

    Roger–Get your gloves on and lead by example!

  2. The city of Brookings sponsors a “Yard of the Month” for both residential and commercial properties with a monetary award given to both. Why can’t Crescent City do the same?
    Also, back around 1998, Oprah Winfrey visited Del Norte County and was give a tour by Park staff. After visiting Redwood National and State Parks, she asked to be driven to the airport and commented “This place is ugly.”

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