Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

By Donna Westfall – April 26, 2017 – Judy Ranger is sick and tired of having her husband sit in jail going on four years without a trial or without having the case against him dismissed. During the April 25th Board of Supervisor’s meeting, Judy spoke for three minutes during public comment letting the Supervisor’s know what has happened to her family.

Back in 2011, their eldest daughter, 16 years old at the time, rejected their old fashioned values and wanted to go live with a rich family. That put into motion a nightmare of Orwellian proportions.  The biggest shocker was hearing recently that their daughter finally confessed to having had sexual relations with the son of the people she wanted to live with; a man three times her age.

Watch the video.


2 thoughts on “Guilty until proven innocent – Judy Ranger’s Story – Part 4”
  1. Very Young children were harmed by this teenage rebellion. They have not been able to see their mother for over 5 years!
    They were promised by one of the adopted parents to be able to visit. We happened to see the young ones at McDonald’s
    and we happened to be driving next to them when we left. The adoptive mother filed a restraining order.

    And that made Judy lose her job.Plus the adopted mom (who smokes in the house) calls the police every time Judy
    happens to see her kids in Walmart,or any store. These kids are further tortured by this.

    Plus one of the adoptive mothers has contacted Judy’s boss at her jobs and got her fired saying that Judy was also arrested when her husband was arrested
    even though Judy was never charged or arrested but she lost all her parental rights.

    In 2005-2006 I saw Judy everyday with her kids at the library when she was homeschooling. The whole family was very well adjusted and neatly dressed.

    I am shocked how children’s homes can be invaded and torn apart without the parents being able to bring forth a defense.
    Wild geese have a more protected nest.
    I would not recommend anyone to plan on having children where we live with these gross due process violations.

  2. Yep it will be 4 years in June.
    But this nightmare has lasted 7 years when their girl keep going up into the neighbors room

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