Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

By Investigative Reporter, Linda Sutter – August 29, 2024

In February of this year Harbormaster Tim Petrick who was recently awarded a “performance incentive pay” of $4,127.50, by the current Harbor Commissioners, is allowed to misuse public funds via credit cards.

On 2/21/24,  ordered DoorDash from a bagel kitchen for $75.15

On 02/22/24   another DoorDash purchase resulted in $120.42

On 02/23/24  DoorDash purchase of $52.08

Another DoorDash purchase on same date resulted in $59.16

And Uber got some action resulting in $65.28 on 2/26/24.

On 02/26/24 DoorDash was sent to Target costing taxpayers $37.52.

The last DoorDash purchase was from Starbucks for $31.38.

$127.26 was spent at a golf course.

Here is the issue. Tim Petrick is using Harbor District Credit card for his own personal use. This is considered embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds.

To report this matter to the Grand Jury or District Attorney is worthless because they are not going to prosecute this guy. And now with the District Attorney Office half staffed with no investigators, you can get away with all crimes including murder.

The current commissioners have bylaws. Within those bylaws it clearly states that the Commissioners are to review the credit card statements monthly in open forum. The one and only person who is a board member and attempted to enforce the bylaws was Brian Stone. But Former Comptroller Thomas Zickgraff stated it was too much work. In essence the Commissioners do not conduct their due diligence and allows this misappropriation of funds.

The Harbor District has no credit card policy. The Harbor District has no reimbursement policy. And if there was a reimbursement policy it is not defensable because you cannot use public funds for personal use.

The Harbor is literally going broke, can’t pay bills, and is depending on the grant money to float them through. The Dutra lawsuit money was supposed to fix the electrical issues. Instead it was spent keeping the Harbor District afloat.

Let’s look at what he spent in January.

On January 29, 2024 Tim Petrick took himself out to lunch at Crescent Seafood for $25.65.

He then purchased golf balls from golf Lafayette, Lousianna for $362.85.

On February 7, 2024, Tim Petrick spent 1$80.05 at the local Pizza Hut. What does the Institute for Local Government  say about buying meals for others on the Public’s Dime? 

Public Resources are just that. Public’s Resources. They represent taxpayer dollars and the fees that the agency has charged the public to provide vital local services. California’s Constitution has an express prohibition against making gifts of public funds. Treating someone to a meal is viewed as an act of generosity and hence a form of gift. Tim Petrick continuously disregards public policy because the Harbor District Attorney Kyler Raden, allegedly told Petrick that these transactions are lawful.  KYLER Raden belongs to BBK Law firm.

On February 9, 2024 he took himself to Aramark Resort in Pacific Grove, California.  Only $1,001.84.

On December 19/2023 Petrick stayed at Aramark Resort 1 night costing taxpayers $1,329.12.

On 12/21/2023 Petrick used Harbor District credit card at Paragon coffee where he purchased several gift cards.

And on the 22nd of December Petrick purchased from Starbucks for $17.50.

Let’s jump to April 2024

Tim Petrick spent $233.77 on April 25, 2024.

Petricks office manager was permitted to spend $66.50 at Safeway and $93.78 at Rumiano Cheese. Apparently there was a small party at the office with the Japanese delegation.  

Petrick uses contention tactics by threatening his staff with their jobs if they give public information.  

 I have not asked for the credit card statements from January 2023 to December 2023. But since Petrick is going wild,  I will be submitting request for those statements.

All government entities are required by law to keep supporting documentation and receipts. Although I have been denied on two recent occasions access to their records during business hours, I plan to submit a Writ of Mandate to force them to abide by the California Public Records Act. This takes a lot of time and money.

  1. Never heard of Aramark Resort in Pacific Grove. Aramark is a food and beverage company. Was he at Asilimar Conference Center run by California State Parks? Aramark is most likely under contract by State Parks for food and beverage.

  2. The bigger picture to look at is his frauding the IRS. Willful income tax evasion is a serious matter. Mr. Petrick may be facing serious fraud allegations.

  3. In February 2024 Petrick spent 180.05 at pizza Hut not 80.00. The gift cards from Parragon totaled 200.00 and the April purchase of 233.77 was made at Safeway.
    Petrick and staff refuse to allow public to view supporting documentation.
    The current board members should also be held accountable as they have a judiciary duty to oversee the proper use of the Harbor districts public funds and have intentionally disregarded their duties.

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