Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

By Investigative Reporter Linda Sutter – Pictures Credit to Oliver Twist 1948 – December 4, 2024

The new board members were sworn in at 1:45 p.m. Annie Nehmer, John Evans and Dan Schmidt. The new chair representing the Harbor District is Gerhard Weber with Annie Nehmer sitting in as pro tem.

The meeting got off to a very slow start. Three new board members but the only one who knew what to do was Annie Nehmer and that is because she was continuous about attending all board meetings prior to the election unlike the other two who didn’t bother attending the meetings until prior to the election. So here we all are trying to assign the members to different ad hoc meetings and it was like watching someone with a pair of pliers pulling teeth in slow motion. No one stepped up to the plate because they were completely dumbfounded in what their duties as an elected was.  Agonizing to say the least.

And then on the agenda was item “E” to listen to Mike Bahr presentation  about the grants which sounded more like Oliver Twist with his handed extended, “please sir could I have some more porridge”.

However, Mike Bahr had made it clear at a former meeting that if Tim Petrick resigned, he would resign which would leave the harbor hanging to complete the grant tasks they were after. He also stated tonight in open forum he wanted to wait and see who was elected before asking the Harbor for a contract. After his presentation the public was invited to speak out.

 I stepped up to the podium.

“It was not long ago that Mr. Bahr went beyond the scope of his professional duties, by developing a relationship with Tim Petrick and then stating during a meeting in open forum, ‘if Petrick resigns, I will resign as well’, and Bahr did walk away from the harbor leaving the harbor to complete the grants Bahr had started. It is my understanding that Bahr was getting paid between $5 and 10 thousand dollars a month for these grants. We all know what led to Tim Petrick’s resigning, Alleged misuse of funds.  Yet Bahr supported Petrick. Why? I ask the board how it is that Mr. Bahr’s apparent support for Petrick does not raise serious questions about his integrity, honesty, and fortitude? Especially after Bahr openly stated he wanted to wait to see who was elected before asking for a contract.  At the very least Mr. Bahr’s credibility should be called into question. Why would this board consider paying him for additional services? I believe the Integrity of the Harbor district and its financial dealings must come first and relationships that pose a potential conflict of interest or threat to this harbor should be examined closely. Lastly, it appears Mr. Rademaker and Dave Negus have been able to pick up the pieces, and although that requires additional work on both of them they managed to produce the $8 million dollar grant without the help of Mr. Bahr, which saved the harbor district thousands.”

What happened next was out of control. While I was reading my speech, Mr. Bahr got up and started screaming at me as he paced the floor. Commissioner Weber sat and observed but neglected to utilize his gavel. But, come to find out from Commissioner Schmidt, he felt I should be censored with my speech and will attempt to make rules that will obviously violate the First Amendment Rights afforded to all during public speaking. I have warned him, “Watch out if you censor anyone during a speech you could be looking at yet another lawsuit.”

Commissioner Shepherd was upset because he felt I was trying to hold the harbor back from moving forward. Unfortunately, he does not have the understanding that I am not an elected, I don’t have the capacity to do anything except speak.

Mr. Evans wanted to take an entire year to produce bylaws and credit card policies. Apparently, he does not know the history of the harbor and the fact the grand jury is still waiting for those items.  In the meantime, there is yet another grand jury investigation going on with the harbor. Just to let you all know it’s not from Linda Sutter this time.


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